Hare Krishna 🙏

1 year, 7 months ago by abhaya_dasa in Other

Hare Krishna again Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. 🙏

In response to your question at the end of my last letter.. I am actually living in Houston at the moment, indefinitely!

I also wanted to thank you for your last letter.. you said that we all really have only one Best Friend, and that we will feel lonely until we have His association again.. So I guess it’s better to try to contact Him again, instead of trying to make temporary arrangements for friendship and love in this material world!

I have heard that you may be coming back here later this year; that is great because the last time you left we were thinking you may not come back to Houston. Looking forward. 🙏

Thank you again Maharaja,

Your servant, Abhaya Dasa

HpS - Awk! We cannot connect your name with your form!!!! A picture? Context!!! Awk!!!

Who is your friend?
