sankirtan monterrey y Montemorelos

1 year, 7 months ago by gadadhara_gosai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

y al movimiento de sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Gurudeva estamos haciendo la tarea poco a poco , estamos practicando lo esencial mangalartika con algunos Bhaktas que krishna envía siempre para servir en nueva Goverdana,.

Krishna Book por las noches con los niños y mi esposa , estableciendo predica constante cada domingo y manteniendo buena asociación con devotos vecinos.

la distribución de libros nos mantiene frescos en este calor intenso .

somos como animales en el bosque ya lo estamos entendiendo .

Visite el ashram de Guru Prasad Swami en Texas , nos dono un altar hermoso para Krishna Balaram , y muchas ropas de color azafrán para nuevos vida siempre nos da sorpresas , nuestra gratitud con los libros de Prabhupada tratamos de compartir lo que aprendimos en el ashram con nuestros compañeros de sankirtan.

somos pocos devotos pero muy dedicados nos mantenemos muy ocupados , siempre hay algo por hacer , la familia es grande y nos mantiene con entusiasmo . Ananda maya es nuestra autoridad inmediata y estamos muy protegidos gracias a krishna.

estamos en comunicación con la BBT para elevar la distribución de libros en norte de Mexico.

si Krishna nos da vida deseamos volver a tener su asociación tenemos mucho que aprender para desarrollar Nueva GOVERDAN EN MONTEMORELOS.

Bhakta Guillermo esta listo para iniciación , esperamos sus indicaciones para hacer un festival con fuego y frutas.

agradecemos su atención att su sirviente Gadadhar Gosai Das


Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada and to the sankirtan movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Gurudeva we are doing the task little by little, we are practicing the essential mangalartika with some Bhaktas that Krishna always sends to serve in new Goverdana.

Krishna Book in the evenings with the children and my wife, establishing constant preaching every Sunday and maintaining good association with neighboring devotees. book distribution keeps us cool in this intense heat.

HpS - Wow!!!

we are like animals in the forest we are already understanding it.

Visit Guru Prasad Swami's ashram in Texas, he donated us a beautiful altar for Krishna Balaram, and many saffron clothes for new bhramacarys. Life always gives us surprises, our gratitude to Prabhupada's books we try to share what we learned in the ashram with our sankirtan companions.

we are few devotees but very dedicated we keep very busy , there is always something to do , the family is big and keeps us enthusiastic . Ananda maya is our immediate authority and we are very protected thanks to krishna.

We are in communication with the BBT to increase the distribution of books in northern Mexico.

If Krishna gives us life, we want to have his association again. We have a lot to learn to develop New GOVERDAN IN MONTEMORELOS.

Bhakta Guillermo is ready for initiation, we await his indications to make a festival with fire and fruits.

HpS - We see him in our FMS.

How long has Prabhu been chanting 16 rounds and following four principles now? Has he completed the Bhakta course? Does he have letter of recommendation from GBC authorized authority? How many days a week is he up for Mangala arati, SB?

Thank you!

we appreciate the attention of him att his servant Gadadhar Gosai Das

HpS - Such good, good, good news. You and your family and Yatra are like atomic bombs.