Acara y pracara

1 year, 6 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Todas las glorias a nuestro Fundador Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias. 

Muchas gracias por su respuesta sobre la amistad en conciencia de Krsna. 

Deseamos que la obscuridad de nuestro corazón se ilumine con sus instrucciones y nos empuje a un paso más camino a Krsna.

Sus palabras me llevaron a un recuerdo en Chosica, habían dificultades y fricciones entre algunos devotos mayores y administración, era triste ver a nuestros mayores con diferencia, de pronto llegó SS Bhakti-tirtha Swami y de inmediato hizo un gran kirtana en el templo, todo mundo bailando, los devotos en disputa bailaban ¡literalmente tomados de la manos!, siguiendo la coreografía que Maharaja dirigía con una enorme sonrisa en el rostro como un niño, él se cambiaba de camiseta una tras otra, conforme se mojaban de sudor ...seguía bailando y cantando, luego de eso la atmósfera cambio totalmente; era simple: cantar, bailar y compartir prasadam en la mejor compañía. 

Nuestro querido ego falso '¡es más simple de lo que piensas!' 

Por arreglos de Krsna y sus discípulos en aquellos días pude ir a ver a Maharaja a agradecerle y glorificar su asociación, sin embargo ocurrio un suceso que Maharaja lo tomó de inmediato y fue él quien empezó a glorificarme desde que ingresé a su hospedaje, fue un shock!!! Finalmente me regaló su guirnalda y su rostro se iluminaba con una gran sonrisa. 

Mi ego falso agonizaba en el piso un poco confundido, conciencia de Krsna seguía siendo tan simple pero también mucho más grande de lo que podría imaginar. 

Todas las glorias a SS. Bhakti-tirtha Swami, un océano de cualidades que predican por sí mismas. 

Por otro lado, Śrīla Prabhupāda es acarati srestha; los predicadores, educadores en ISKCON también deben estar versados en códigos morales y espirituales para mantener buenos relacionamiento porque son líderes naturales, nadie quiere seguir el ejemplo de alguien que no conoce un protocolo mínimo para actuar en cada situación o es déspota con un anciano; me surge la pregunta, si los miembros de ISKCON cultivan buenas relaciones, la predica podría ser más efectiva?

¿En estos tiempos, de libertad de expresión que cuestiona el "cliché" de algunos mandatos, cómo matizar ambos: achara y pracara? Ya que ambos son importantes. 

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa atención.

Buen viaje bajo las bendiciones del Señor Nrisimhadeva. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

Adjunto foto de SS BTS ingresando a la casa de prabhu Kanu Pandit y en el templo.


All glories to our Founder Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

Thank you very much for your reply on friendship in Krsna consciousness.

We wish that the darkness of our hearts will be enlightened by your instructions and push us one step closer to Krsna.

His words brought me to a memory in Chosica, there were difficulties and frictions between some senior devotees and administration, it was sad to see our seniors with a difference, suddenly HH Bhakti-tirtha Swami arrived and immediately did a great kirtana in the temple, everything world dancing, the devotees in dispute danced literally holding hands!, following the choreography that Maharaja directed with a huge smile on his face like a child, he changed his shirt one after another, as they got wet with sweat ... I kept dancing and singing, after that the atmosphere changed completely; it was simple: sing, dance and share prasadam in the best company.

Our dear false ego 'it's simpler than you think!'

By arrangements of Krsna and his disciples in those days I was able to go see Maharaja to thank him and glorify his association, however an event occurred that Maharaja took immediately and it was he who began to glorify me since I entered his lodging, it was a shock!!! He finally gave me his garland and his face lit up with a big smile.

My false ego was dying on the floor a bit confused, Krsna consciousness was still so simple but also much bigger than I could imagine.

HpS - ASA - 😲

All glories to SS. Bhakti-tirtha Swami, an ocean of qualities that speak for themselves.

ASA - 😃

On the other hand, Śrīla Prabhupāda is acarati srestha; ISKCON preachers, educators must also be versed in moral and spiritual codes to maintain good relationships because they are natural leaders, no one wants to follow the example of someone who does not know a minimum protocol to act in each situation or is despotic with an elder;

The question arises, if ISKCON members cultivate good relations, could the preaching be more effective?

HpS - Our relations ARE the preaching, no? Yad yad acarati shrestas. Also with good social relations it makes the personal, spiritual growth internally go better, no?

In these times, of freedom of expression that questions the "cliché" of some mandates, how to qualify both: achara and pracara? Since both are important.

HpS - I would say that both are important. Some devotees by nature are more inclined to go out and preach, maybe in the mood of Nityananda, even if they are not so perfect in their internal character or dealings, and others more inclined to develop internal qualities.

There is:

  • Rukmini and Satyabhama.
  • Candra vali and Radha.
  • Advaita and Nityananda.
  • Smartas and Avadhutas.
  • Burfi and spicy subjee.

We could not find the citation but we remember that it said that some people have acara and some people do pracar, but hari das thakura was first class in both.

We have to understand how to adjust these in terms of the conclusion. Pleasing Krsna. Inspiring each other.

Radha and Candravali fight like anything, but not to hurt each other. To inspire each other.

They love each other like anything!!



Thank you very much for your merciful attention.

Good trip under the blessings of Lord Nrisimhadeva.

Your eternal would-be servant

asta sakhi dd

I am attaching photo of HH BTS entering prabhu Kanu Pandit's house and into the temple.