AmD Report 04/07/2023

1 year, 7 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Cómo está Gurudeva? Muchas veces por viaje, servicio y cambios de horario no podemos estar en sus programas, pero en los últimos tiempos hemos podido estar conectados al FMP.

Y lo vemos muy bien, como siempre extatico en su Sankirtan… Sinceramente espero que el astrologo se haya equivocado… y podamos tener su asociación más y más tiempo…

Nosotros estamos bien, siguiendo los votos por su misericordia y de Srila Prabhupada, seguimos cantando la mayoría de veces nuestras 20 rondas diarias, aunque a veces, cuando hay mucho servicio apenas llegamos a nuestras 16 rondas…

En casa nos esforzamos

mucho por mantener nuestro sadhana desde el Brahma Muhurtha pero viviendo en los templos es mucho más fácil.

Hemos comenzado de nuevo nuestro estudio personal del NOD, Srimad Bhagavatam y el Bhagavad Gita. Tratando de ser más profundo esta vez… Esperemos recordar algo con esta memoria de Kali Yuga.

Por sus respuestas en el blog y el Kapi Dvaja veo que no tienes planes de regresar a India. Eso nos entristece mucho, porque estabamos tratando de ahorrar para ir a Vrndavan y encontrarnos con Usted…

Nosotros estamos haciendo servicio en diferentes templos desde ya hace un tiempo. Pero podríamos estar sirviendole personalmente en lo que necesite allá en USA. Cuente con nosotros por favor.

Ahora estamos de vuelta por unas semanas en Río de Janeiro, a 5 o 6 horas de Minas Gerais dónde estuvimos 3 meses. 

Aún no sabemos dónde nos llevará Krsna. Si Él nos diera a escoger, nosotros quisiéramos estar a tu lado, o en Vrndavan, pero estamos tratando de ser pacientes para lo que Él disponga.

Hoy tuve un sueño con Usted, ojalá podamos volvernos a ver en persona para contarle… aquí me da un poco de vergüenza, pero fue muy bonito, y muy agradable estar a su lado nuevamente, aunque sea en sueños.

Voy a tratar de reportar más seguido… Tengo que ser muy cuidadoso todo este tiempo, aún me faltan unos meses para terminar este periodo de Rahu que ha durado casi 18 años, y aunque no soy fanático de la astrología, he podido comprobar que algunas cosas se cumplido… En este periodo hay muchas pruebas, y he estado sometido a mucha oposición, pero menos mal está terminando. Ahora estoy tratando de manejarme con más cuidado, tratando de seguír algunas técnicas de etiqueta que he visto que Usted usa regularmente especialmente en el trato con la damas, porque muchas veces se puede malinterpretar y otras uno puede estar a merced de maya… Usted es un experto, ojalá sigamos aprendiendo…

Ahora somos un poquito más concientes que sí siguemos bien el proceso, el único peligro es Vaisnava Aparadha… Así es que estamos tratando de pedir perdón a todos con quiénes nos hemos relacionado en esta vida, para que esos vestigios de ofensas concientes o inconscientes nos liberen de las reacciones de no poder avanzar como quisiéramos…

Por eso, por favor Gurudeva, por mucho tiempo he servido muy cerca a tí en el Gurukula y otros programas, incluso como tú sirviente, seguro he cometido mucha ofensas a tus pies de loto, te pido por favor, me perdones, quizás por tu humildad no hayas considerado esas ofensas, pero te pido por favor que aún así me perdones, para poder seguir adelante. Usted solo ha sido siempre muy misericordioso conmigo.

Le estoy mandando un anexo.

Oramos siempre a Nrshimhadeva en nuestra puja diaria por su salud y protección.

Su aspirante a sirviente AmD. 

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

 Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!


 How is Gurudeva? Many times due to travel, service and schedule changes we cannot be in his programs, but in recent times we have been able to be connected to the FMP.

 And we see him very well, as always ecstatic in his Sankirtan... I sincerely hope that the astrologer has made a mistake... and we can have the association of him more and more time...

HpS - Hare Krsna... Yes, AgtSP. Paoho. Really, wherever we are engaged in Sankirtan of Srila Prabhupada is perfection, but all of us should be inclined to leave this material world as soon as possible.

When are you programed to leave?

 We are fine, following his and Srila Prabhupada's vows for mercy, we continue to chant most of the time our 20 rounds a day, although sometimes, when there is a lot of service, we barely reach our 16 rounds...

 At home we strive much to keep our sadhana since the Brahma Muhurtha but living in the temples is much easier.

 We have again started our personal study of the NOD, Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad Gita. Trying to be deeper this time... Let's hope to remember something with this memory of Kali Yuga.

 From your responses on the blog and the Kapi Dvaja I see that you have no plans to return to India. That makes us very sad, because we were trying to save money to go to Vrndavan and meet you…

HpS - We also do not have plans NOT to go. Maybe in November we go to Houston, then in March to Spain. Then in July to Vrndavana.

 We are doing service in different temples for some time now. But we could be personally serving you in whatever you need there in the USA. Count on us please.

 Now we are back for a few weeks in Rio de Janeiro, 5 or 6 hours from Minas Gerais where we stayed for 3 months.

 We still don't know where Krsna will take us. If He gave us a choice, we would like to be by your side, or in Vrndavan, but we are trying to be patient for what He arranges.

HpS - We feel very close to you in this Blog and the morning program. It seemed that for some time you were a little lost in the fog (?) but now you seem to be shinning again. Thank you.

 Today I had a dream with you, hopefully we can meet again in person to tell you... here it makes me a little embarrassed, but it was very nice, and very pleasant to be by his side again, even in dreams.

 I will try to report more often... I have to be very careful all this time, I still have a few months left to finish this Rahu period that has lasted almost 18 years, and although I am not a fan of astrology, I have been able to verify that some things It has been fulfilled... In this period there are many tests, and I have been subjected to a lot of opposition, but thank goodness it is ending. Now I am trying to handle myself more carefully, trying to follow some etiquette techniques that I have seen that you use regularly, especially when dealing with ladies, because many times it can be misinterpreted and other times one can be at the mercy of maya... You are a expert, hopefully we keep learning...

HpS - 😄 Whatever we know about dealing with opposite sex we learned from Tom Brown and Buck White, and their leader Uncle Gismo.


 Now we are a little more aware that if we follow the process well, the only danger is Vaisnava Aparadha... So we are trying to ask for forgiveness from everyone with whom we have related in this life, so that those vestiges of conscious or unconscious offenses can free us. of the reactions of not being able to move forward as we would like...

HpS - Of course, other devotees in our community have had severe bumps in their Vaisnava dealings!!! Let us hope that the people we offend will let us know how to compensate for what we have done to them.

We heard of an interesting news-hpost of a young girl in Brazil who had been sexually assaulted by an drunken older man. She was not raped and some people subdued the fellow.

He was in jail for a few months and wrote a letter of sincere apology to the girl and her parents, and the interviewer asked her if she had forgiven him for his drunken abuse.

She said to a large degree but if she had the opportunity to give him a few kicks in the [&^%^&] so that he could really understand what pain he had caused her and really repent, then she would feel very satisfied.

😄 😲 😲

Personally we pray to Krsna to help us control our insanity and not cause problems and then give us strength compensate and then others the compassion to realize that they have done just as stupid things and forgive us and go on with Hari Kirtan and return to Goloka.

 Therefore, please Gurudeva, for a long time I have served very close to you in Gurukula and other programs, even as your servant, surely I have committed many offenses at your lotus feet, please forgive me, perhaps for your humility you have not considered those offenses, but I ask you to please forgive me even so, so that I can move on. You alone have always been very merciful to me.

HpS - Frankly speaking we have never been offended by you. We have always enjoyed your association. We think at times that maybe you could have done some things that we suggested with more determination, but we certainly!!! lack that in following Guru's instructions ourselves, and very likely you tried to do things that we suggested and they weren't practical.

 I am sending you an attachment.

 We always pray to Nrshimhadeva in our daily puja for his health and protection.

 His would-be servant AmD.