
1Β year, 3Β months ago by i8themaha in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja!!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

So when I was coming back to Dallas last month after being at RVC, I ran into one of my neighbors, Padayatra.

I was thinking it would be a great opportunity for him, and he agreed to go for a week!

What a excellent week full of reading, hearing, and chanting all day!!

They do daily harinam, plus readings on top of the FMS and FES!!

It's all completely estatic!

I was thinking to maybe stay here until I drive up to Tennessee for your program. What day should I get there? The 13th? The 14th??

HpS - Aaaah! AgtSP Paoho. I didn't know if you were coming! Now we are in RichMond. Very strng work! Gotta be careful not to have a heart attack.

We will fly back with Subal Das on Thursday the 13th and he will stay with us until Sunday. He will be staying in the Ashrama with us. It will be nice if you can come, but if it is too hard then come for the 16th September program.

Now we leave for Nagara sankirtan!

After your program in Tennessee, I'll come back to Dallas, finalize everything, and then head back to RVC.

Thanks for your guidance! I don't think I would have ever "given up" my apartment or job. But it was so easy to do by your mercy.

I keep remembering:

Om anjana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya / caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

You've really turned on the light for me and are cutting through the strong ropes of my material attachment!!

Oh also I've been distributing more books, like to the finance guy at a car dealership and a family in a car stuck in traffic!!



Srimad Bhagavad Gita ki jaya!!

Jaya Guru Maharaja!!

Your servant,

Jaya Hari Das

HpS / ASA - Jaya!!! When do you start with RVC? What is the program? How long does it last.