
1 year, 5 months ago by Simio madhu in Personal Sadhana Reports



Having listened to your preaching very carefully at the beginning of my spiritual life has served me as a compass the rest of the way, and today it has become absolutely relevant in my inner progress.

Thank you so much.

Y,s. Madhumangala d.

HpS - Wow! AgtSP. I was in front of the Berkeley Temple, San Francisco, as a B'cari at one point, and looking at the bushes and walls from a car and the street and realized that just with the Christianity etc that I had, spiritual life was like a dim light, and then encountering Srila Prabhupada the illumination had become bright. So many things could be properly seen.

To encounter Saints of Srila Prabhupada's character is extremely rare, no?


You, me can only hope to share him.