dtc 27[tu]

1 year, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

daily sb reading [https://vedabase.io/en/library/noi/3/#bb5883]

Today SB 1.15.41 and 42 because we are preparing for our eminent death, and trying to do it by chanting with an eye to Sankhya is very appealing.

We remembered Maharaja Yuddishira's preparations and then looked them up.

Is very interesting.

We clicked on 'juhAva' in the word-for-word and usually it indicated offering into a fire sacrifice. That is nice.

Also, we were thinking that Srila Prabhupada wrote these purports before he came to USA and had chance to refine his English, though he had young devotees edit them, no?

'Study my purports to the bone!'

So, we have a call into Srinivasa Das to discuss the translation.

It is so, so nice reading these purports after several years. We may have read them like five times over the past 40-50 years.

They are tantalizingly fresh each time.

How do you find them?

Do they help your service?

Maybe we are not trying to directly follow the Sankhya-yoga of Maharaja Yuddhisthira or Lord Kapila, but we should see the same Sankhya results from our Yoga that are described here.

'For every process in the Astanga yoga system, there is a corresponding process in the Bhakti-yoga system.'

Purport: "The material color of the mind is changed when one washes it clean of the contaminations of life-breathing..."

This phrase, "life-breathing", struck us very strongly the first time we read it and we have cited it several times in lectures and meditated upon it as we do our Japa, Kirtan, honor Prasadam.

Practice not breathing when you are chanting. Go on chanting. Make your tongue and jaw move, keep the mind on the Mantra, but see what happens to your body.

We breath to get life.

We eat to get Prana that we can feel filling and circulating in our bones and body, but - we can get the same 'life' from the Mantra.

Ohhh! Wow! Hmm? 🤔

We must learn to do that. We must learn to live without being 'colored' by the material atmosphere, air. Live atop the Himalayas.


The we thought of SB 5.5.5 that SP cites in NoI etc. etc. etc. Has same idea? Let us look. 🙄

SB 5.5.5 - 'karma-ātmakam — absorbed in material activities' is the phrase that SP cites in NoI, but did not see it discussed here. Maybe it was prenoted in the previous verse. SP discussed them together in NoI. 5.5.4 is a memory verse.

Do you know it?

Try to chant it now.

. . .

No karma-ātmakam is not there in 5.5.4 but we remember nice discussion in NoI.


Let us look up how Bhisma deva left his body.

[UG: We discovered that if you put a colon [ : ] and follow it with words, the emo list shows up!

SB 1.9.43, no, no Sankhya there. . . . O.K. . . . . Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare!!

Let the Hari-kirtan guide us in our recitation of SB.
