Jay HK Maharaj

1 year, 8 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jay, HK, Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP!

How r u? Where are you now?

In response to your question I’m currently in Argentina, never been to Mexico unluckily.

I’ve been thinking about your point of view in relation to the position of the Jivatma in the spiritual realm and whether if can or can’t fall,

my very narrow mind firstly didn’t let me think quite openly about your statements,

but after a while, and thanks to Krishna, I began considering what you said.

I’m very sorry if I sound very persistent with this topic, the thing is that I need to understand truths, well in order to feel comfortable with myself and with Krishna.

So what I understood from what you told me is that there isn’t possibility of the soul falling accidentally from Vaikuntha or Goloka, but due to it’s free will he/she can choose to abandon Krishna’s company, did I get it right??



"Due to the fruitive results of his past deeds, he fell down from mystic yoga, austerity and worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead"

"The conclusion must be that Mahārāja Bharata purposefully became over-addicted to the deer and neglected his spiritual advancement."

So I’ve heard from Bhakisundar Goswami that liberated souls are Acyuta, the defintion of that word I know is one that doesn’t fall from his position and is infalible,

So my question is, why perfected souls might change from being perfect to being imperfect, wouldn’t that be a fault in perfection, not letting that quality express fully?

HpS/ASA - Srila Prabhupada comments that maybe we were this or that but now we are neither. We are in Maya. By following the process we see that we are becoming liberated from coffee, tea, tobacco, arrogance, greed for fame...

In our present state these things are not completely clear, but as we come out of the fog, they become clear.

Yes the soul is Acyuta.

Bh. Vinode Thakura gives an example of a child becoming absorbed in the mirror reflection of the moon, but that does not mean that it is not being still held by the affectionate mother. We become fallen in our little absorption in Maya, but that does not mean that we are not Acyuta at heart. That is how we heard him cited to explain this point today.


We can go on, and on, and on with logical arguments, but basic principal is that we have free will in every circumstance, and if we chose to go into Maya we can.

Of course, we become frightened when we hear this because we want to enjoy independently (Maya), so we don't want to consider that we have responsibility for our actions.

It is scary, but it also means that we can do things that even Krsna can't predict.

We are little Gods.

We can create little realities, and invite Krsna to join our little play!

Well thank you for your support always, hope I’m not bothering with these questions.

please accept my obeisances!


Federico :)

HpS / ASA - 😃