Yasoda Devi Dasi - España??

1 year, 8 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports



Hare Krishna muy querido y siempre recordado Gurumaharaja 🙏

Aún seguimos en "Gopalandia"= Cochabamba Bolivia (todos los devotos tienen un Gopal en sus casas) Estamos hospedados con los discípulos de Srila Narayana Goswami Maharaja, ellos tienen una relación vivencial espiritual tan fuerte con su guru que nos inspira mucho. Ayer tuvimos un programa de Ratha Yatra y me dieron la misericordia de pintar a las deidades JBS para el festival 🙏

El Prabhu Nityananda (vivió 16 años en India) formó un grupo para tocar bhajans MANTRARAS, mi pareja (Govinda) toca los cartalos y yo hago coros. Concursamos para un concierto musical grande que organiza la Alianza Francesa y fuimos clasificados!!!! El sábado 24 de junio tenemos la presentación musical, también repartiremos dulces haribolitas prasadam. Y el 25 (sí Krishna quiere regresamos a Perú)

Se presentó la oportunidad para viajar al templo de España. Escribí al Prabhu Mahajan para consultar sobre un anuncio de voluntariado en el hotel del templo, luego hablamos y cuando le conté que estudié educación y tenía práctica con niños que tienen diversos problemas de aprendizaje, el Prabhu me dijo que quizás podía hacer el voluntariado en el gurukula. Consulté con mi papá y él está muy feliz de que yo viaje al templo de España (ese es su deseo y sueño para sus hijos, que hagamos nuestras vidas fuera de Sudamérica) mi papá se siente más seguro si yo estaría con los devotos. Según me dijo el Prabhu Mahajan en estos días me mandarían la invitación para que yo solicite una visa religiosa por un año... bueno mi deseo real es estar en España para así luego poder ir a India y verlo Gurumaharaja Y al mismo tiempo conocer a la familia de mi pareja que viven en Eslovaquia e Inglaterra (soy sincera) Mis tíos que me educaron de niña ya dejaron este mundo, siento que necesito cambiar de espacio, laboralmente ya aprendí lo básico para trabajar con niños en Sudamérica (hice unas prácticas en un centro de terapia para niños en Bolivia y la metodología es la misma) Pero usted qué opina Gurumaharaja?

Sí Krishna quiere que el viaje a España se realice pues iría con Govinda (mi pareja es de Europa así que para él no hay que realizar trámites de protocolo) él estaría conmigo un mes quizás y luego Govinda iría a Checoslovaquia para un trabajo. Pensamos en casarnos pero mi papá dice que es mejor esperar un tiempo más para conocernos (tenemos 2años y unos meses de relación) pienso que los europeos cargan unos trastornos sociales históricos muy fuertes (la unión soviética, invasiones de Sudamérica, India, etc) karmaticamente les cuesta mucho ser sumisos y quizás rendirse al guru y Krishna (piensan mucho con la mente,ego y escuchan poco a paramatma quizás)

Yo lo extraño mucho Gurumaharaja... aún creo que va venir a Perú para pasar su cumpleaños con nosotros...pero luego pienso que usted siempre se acercó a nosotros, ahora es tiempo de que nosotros vayamos a verlo donde usted se encuentre.

Que el Señor Nrsimha lo siga bendiciendo y protegiendo mucho!!! Mis oraciones son para usted 🙏

Gracias por los mensajes a través del corazón 🙏🧡🙏

Con aprecio y respeto:

Yasoda Devi Dasi





Hare Krishna very dear and always remembered Gurumaharaja 🙏

We are still in "Gopalandia" = Cochabamba Bolivia (all devotees have a Gopal in their homes) We are staying with the disciples of Srila Narayana Goswami Maharaja, they have such a strong spiritual experiential relationship with their guru that it inspires us a lot. Yesterday we had a Ratha Yatra program and I was given the mercy to paint the JBS deities for the festival 🙏

Prabhu Nityananda (lived 16 years in India) formed a group to play MANTRARAS bhajans, my partner (Govinda) plays the cartalos and I do choirs. We competed for a large musical concert organized by the Alliance Française and we were classified!!!! On Saturday June 24 we have the musical presentation, we will also distribute sweet haribolitas prasadam. And on the 25th (if Krishna wants we return to Peru)

The opportunity presented itself to travel to the temple in Spain. I wrote to Prabhu Mahajan to inquire about a volunteer advert at the temple hotel, then we talked and when I told him that I studied education and had practice with children who have various learning disabilities, the Prabhu told me that perhaps I could volunteer at the gurukula. I consulted with my dad and he is very happy that I travel to the temple in Spain (this is his wish and dream for his children, that we make our lives outside of South America) my dad feels more secure if I would be with the devotees. As Prabhu Mahajan told me, these days they would send me the invitation so that I could apply for a religious visa for one year... well, my real desire is to be in Spain so that later I can go to India and see Gurumaharaja and at the same time meet Gurumaharaja. my partner's family who live in Slovakia and England (I'm honest) My uncles who raised me as a child have already left this world, I feel I need to change places, at work I already learned the basics to work with children in South America (I did an internship in a therapy center for children in Bolivia and the methodology is the same) But what do you think, Gurumaharaja?

If Krishna wants the trip to Spain to take place, he would go with Govinda (my partner is from Europe so there are no protocol procedures for him) he would be with me for perhaps a month and then Govinda would go to Czechoslovakia for a job. We thought about getting married but my dad says that it is better to wait a while longer to get to know each other (we have been in a relationship for 2 years and a few months) I think that Europeans carry very strong historical social upheavals (the Soviet Union, invasions of South America, India, etc) karmatically It is very difficult for them to be submissive and perhaps surrender to guru and Krishna (they think a lot with their minds, ego and listen little to paramatma perhaps)

I miss you very much Gurumaharaja... I still think that he will come to Peru to spend his birthday with us... but then I think that you always approached us, now it's time for us to go see him wherever you are .

May Lord Nrsimha continue to bless and protect you a lot!!! My prayers are for you 🙏

Thanks for the messages through the heart 🙏🧡🙏

With appreciation and respect:

yasoda devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP! Paoho. Hope there are some photos attached. Very interesting news. Go ahead with your efforts. You seem to be on the right path. Respects to "Your Partner", Govinda. 😃

Almost any relationship is fine if everyone is following 16/4 under the authority of Srila Prabhupada.

Going to India to see us is rather unstable. We have no plans to travel to India. We do not have any fixed travel or residential plans fixed yet, except what is in the Calendar in the:


Yet, going to Spain, New Vraja-mandala seems very, very, nice.

Respects to your esteemed father.

Your analysis of European people seems to match ours in many aspects. They have much deeper resources than we Americans.

! Hari Bolo !.

It, the Sun's position, is 9.30PM now.

Brother Ass, our body, is very, very tired, exhausted, but Monkey, our mind, is still active.

Hare Krsna.

Thank you.

Thank all the participants in this Blog!



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