Report and other services

10 months, 2 weeks ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva,


It has been your causeless mercy that His Holiness gave us Hari-Nama Diksha. We are not worthy of being called your disciple, but due to your purity there is some attachment towards you.

HpS - AgtSP! !

By grace of Guru Parampara, we were fortunate to meet His Grace Partha Pratim Das, disciple of His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami. He stayed in Mayapur for a long time and also decorated Radha Madhava many times.

He stays in Varanasi, and is doing PhD on Sat-Sandarbha from BHU. He came to our home and office in Varanasi, and could easily understand our mental, uncivilised situation. He visited our parents and our in-laws in Delhi specially. He has met you, and he has firm faith in your mercy towards us and believes our past and present conditioning is nothing in front of your mercy.

His Whatsapp Number is +91-7xxx , and email address is ppxxx.

HpS - Should we write to him? 😃 How can we serve him?

We sent Kapi dhvaj to Dr. Samaresh by post, but it had not reached him. So we have sent him the online link on his Whatsapp message, and he has acknowledge to have read it. We will again send KD by different post.

HpS/ASA - Thank you so many! If he gets it by post, think it will 9-times easier for him to read it. Thank you!

Your Mexico Senate address was covered by BTG India in Hindi.

HpS - Govinda sundara Devi Dasi and Ranchor Das did 90% of the work to arrange that. We were like a trick dog that proudly dig the trick we were taught during the show!

We are trying our insincere /sincere efforts to be worthy be called at least shadow of your disciple.

HpS - Follow us following Srila Prabhupada is easy. That is sixteen nthuseastic rounds, 4-prinsipals strictly. We can make claim to nthuseastic rounds because we are up for FES. That is our discipline.

It is all His Divine Grace, but we try to add our little bit.

Bowing Down,

Hayagriva-Avatar Das

ASA - Leaping up, Browne and White. 🐒. . . 🐷

More news soon.