Karuna-Sakti DD Reporte

1 year, 8 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy exaltado Fundador-Acarya Srila Prabhupada y todas las Glorias sean a su trascendental ejército.

Deseo que al recibir la presente se encuentre muy bien. Le agradezco de todo corazón, por los esfuerzos que realiza para involucrarnos en la trascendental misión de Srila Prabhupada.🙏


Por mi parte, por la misericordia sin causa de Srila Prabhupada y sus genuinos seguidores (como usted), hemos podido ser fieles a nuestros votos de iniciación 16 rondas mínimo / 4 principios (Mantenemos algunos apegos a comer en exceso, estamos tratando de mejorar cada vez) 🙈 🙊

Luego de su visita a México, creo que nuestro programa matutino ha mejorado un poco, ¡Gracias por el FMS, que alimenta nuestro entusiasmo! Mantenemos lectura regular de los libros de Srila Prabhupada y Regularmente escuchamos clases de Srila Prabhupada, de usted, Yadunandana Swami, Urmila Mataji y otros vaisnavas.

Continuamos estudiando el Bhaktivaibhava bajo la guía de SS Yadunandana Swami, la mayoría de nuestros compañeros de estudios son devotos muy experimentados y participativos, así que intentamos aprender de ellos. ¡Una y otra vez somos cautivados por el Srimad Bhagavatam! 🤓

Por otra parte, actualmente estoy trabajando con algunos amigos de la universidad y doy asesorías a jóvenes de preparatoria. Además, como es natural, he tenido algunas dificultades fuertes con este cuerpo, solo estoy atendiendo lo necesario e intento continuar. Dormir es realmente difícil, así que aprovecho para leer o cantar. También continuo con la psicoterapeuta, quien es una dama budista muy favorable a los devotos, conoce un poco de nuestra filosofía y me empuja a ser más seria en mi sadhana. Cuando volví a verla (después de que usted visitó México) ella quedo muy sorprendida por “el cambio”🤔, concluyó que “Conjuntar la psicoterapia más la conexión con la divinidad; puede sanar en un mes, lo que la psicoterapia por sí sola no lograría en años.” (En mi opinión, todo se debe únicamente a la misericordiosa intervención de Guru y vaisnavas).

Gurudeva actualmente estoy enfrentando un reto:

Una persona muy querida por mí se encuentra muy enferma y a pesar de la atención medica no se observa mejoría. Me siento muy asustada y frustrada por no poder ayudar. Me parece que ver sufrir a un ser querido es incluso más doloroso y aterrador que mi propia enfermedad. He estado tratando de refugiarme en los santos nombres, en oraciones a nuestras señorías y en el SB (especialmente 1.13) … De manera consciente entiendo que no hay nada que yo pueda hacer, sin embargo, emocionalmente es muy difícil para mí. ☹ Creo que este es el mismo reto que me ha perseguido en diferentes formas y que trata de enseñarme que yo no puedo proteger a nadie y que solo nuestro Señor es el Supremo Protector… Pero al observarme, me doy cuenta de lo mucho que me hace falta para rendirme verdaderamente a la voluntad de nuestro Señor. ☹

Querido Guru Maharaja, ese es el estado actual desde mi trinchera, por favor disculpe a esta tonta estudiante y muchas gracias por vuestra misericordia, que me mantiene viva y en la lucha.

Su aspirante a discípula.

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 🙇🙇 🙇


Translation: www.translate.google.com

I will do [Hare] Krsna! Dear Gurudeva, please accept my obeisances.

All Glories be to our highly exalted Founder-Acarya Srila Prabhupada and all Glories be to his transcendental army.

ASA/HpS - 💪

I hope that when you receive this letter you are very well. I thank him wholeheartedly for the efforts he makes to involve us in Srila Prabhupada's transcendental mission.🙏


For my part, by the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada and his genuine followers (such as you), we have been able to stick to our initiation vows 16 rounds minimum / 4 principles (We maintain some attachments to overeating, we are trying to improve each once) 🙈 🙊

HpS - Exactly the same for us, word for word!

After your visit to Mexico, I think our morning program has improved a bit, Thank you for the FMS, which fuels our enthusiasm! We keep regular reading of Srila Prabhupada's books and regularly listen to lectures from Srila Prabhupada, from you, Yadunandana Swami, Urmila Mataji and other Vaisnavas.

We continue to study Bhaktivaibhava under the guidance of HH Yadunandana Swami, most of our fellow students are very experienced and participative devotees so we try to learn from them. Time after time we are captivated by Srimad Bhagavatam! 🤓

On the other hand, I am currently working with some friends from the university and I give advice to high school youth. Also, of course, I have had some strong difficulties with this body, I am only attending to what is necessary and I try to continue. Sleeping is really difficult, so I take the opportunity to read or sing.

I also continue with the psychotherapist, who is a Buddhist lady very favorable to devotees, she knows a little about our philosophy and pushes me to be more serious in my sadhana.

When I saw her again (after you visited Mexico) she was very surprised by "the change" 🤔, she concluded that "Combining psychotherapy plus the connection with divinity; it can heal in a month, which psychotherapy alone would not achieve in years.” (In my opinion, everything is solely due to the merciful intervention of Guru and vaisnavas).

Gurudeva I am currently facing a challenge:

A person who is very dear to me is very sick and despite medical attention, no improvement is observed. I feel very scared and frustrated that I can't help. It seems to me that watching a loved one suffer is even more painful and scary than my own illness. I have been trying to take refuge in the holy names, in prayers to our lordships and in the SB (especially 1.13)… I consciously understand that there is nothing I can do, however, emotionally it is very difficult for me. ☹ I think this is the same challenge that has haunted me in different ways and tries to teach me that I can't protect anyone and that only our Lord is the Supreme Protector... But looking at myself, I realize how much it makes me I need to truly surrender to the will of our Lord. ☹

HpS - Arjuna had not only to see Bhisma and Drona die, he had to kill them! We cannot appreciate how much he was attached to them, being born in these impersonal, industrial cultures.

Dear Guru Maharaja, that is the current state from my trench, please excuse this foolish student and thank you very much for your mercy, which keeps me alive and fighting.

HpS - Arjuna realized that Krsna was a better friend to Bhisma and Drona than he: https://vedabase.io/es/library/bg/5/29/

Therefore, he just tried to help Krsna in His plan for these loved ones.

Similar situation in First Canto when Dhrtarastra leaves, and Yuddhisthira laments!


If you can read the dialog to the end of the Chapter! In some sense we felt that we lament like Yuddhisthira about how we can't help others, but Narada Muni is noting that this is foolish. We are lamenting over the unfortunate situation of others but are so silly that we don't realize the same thing is happing to us, so how can we help anyone else.

Best we can do is understand why Krsna is doing these things and then use our little capacity to help Him, no?

Thank you!

Her would-be disciple of hers.

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi 🙇🙇 🙇