Sadhana Guimo

1 year, 9 months ago by guimo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna 🙌🏼💙

All Glories to Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada. 

All Glories to Guru Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami. 

All Glories to the devotees.

This is Bhakta Guimo from Monterrey México. Thank You for your merciful response. Yes, Guillermo Sepúlveda is my secular name.

Following principles, chanting, reading (entering Mathura Leela in SB), and starting attending the morning Vanara Voices in spanish. Hope and pray to be sthira/still in this brave darsan. 

At your sweet service 🙏🏼🥭

HpS - So, Don Guimo, for how long now following 16-rounds, 4-principles? Regularly getting up for Mangala arati, Kirtan, SB?