Research publication

1 year, 8 months ago by shatakshi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Maharaj,


In accordance to your guidance to pursue doctorate/title/awards from academic sources,

HpS/ASA - I hope we were clear in presenting it as a suggestion, no? Srila Prabhupada suggested to Tamal Krsna Swami and Giriraja Das to go to Red China to preach. They were developing a scheme to go in as beer salesmen for GD father's company, but finally Srila Prabhupada said that it seemed too complicated to him.

I tried to apply for faculty with Mandi IIT. In response they offered me to do PhD under them. My father suggested better to pursue that in the US. So now I’m upgrading my relationship with the institute by working on research projects for journal publications with them instead. This is my current research topic. Please advise if you feel it’s worthy of research 🙏:

The human body consists of various systems that co-function in order for an individual to experience a wholesome life.

Beginning with motor functions, digestion etc., all the way up to neurological systems responsible for computing responses to external stimulus.

When an individual is physically injured, the damage usually doesn’t percolate to other systems.

ASA - Huh? Damage to the liver has reaction in the function of the other organs, no?

However when mental or emotional injury, i.e. trauma, is introduced into the human system, a trickling effect of dysfunction is observed

affecting other systems of the body such as the respiratory, immune, even digestive, endocrine, as well as the autonomic nervous systems, which makes it imperative that trauma-healing be researched thoroughly.

ASA - Dr. Carlos Mello in Mexico was a industrial trauma psychologist. People lost a had or something in industrial accident and insurance paid for him to counsel their mental state. Stomach ache can make you angry at everyone.

Various therapies have emerged over the years, but most of them remain drug based, treating mental well-being like a chemical from the neurological perspective. However, there are lesser mind-healing therapies available in the field of medicine. The term "psychotherapy", comes from the Greek word "psyche" or the mind. Some recent findings show SEE-FAR-CBT-SIT-NLP protocols as emerging, integrated and innovative treatment methods already proving themselves as effective treatments in the field of psychotherapy.

After a deeper look at these techniques, several parallel elements came to light in the traditional practices of ancient Indian classical dramaturgy, which seemed to effortlessly combine the fundamental techniques in these protocols under its curriculum.

This research aims to explore Odissi’s therapeutic benefits, depending upon varying levels of exposure to the artform, from the perspective of these healing protocols by conducting similar surveys.

Being already encapsulated as a tradition, the therapeutic practice of dramaturgy may re-emerge as a self-administerable lifestyle enhancing practice, making smooth integration into modern lives.

It is not only sensitive to all ages, genders and cultures, but may also feel more organic to adapt and feel less clinical and thus benefit a large range of patients with varying levels of illness.


Hanging our with Nitai-gaura-sundara Das, Dr. R. P. Singh, Head of Geriatric Psychiatry at the "Trustpoint Psychiatric Hospital", we think his first response would be that there would no funding for the research. Big pharmaceutical companies dominate the economic resources. Then, if the research was done and published, the experience is that 80% of the research is never implemented.

If you find a General who is minding an army who is developing such projects then you might sign on as a Captain.

That is our perspective, which we feel is maybe 70% accurate.


Do you have the knowledge and resources to do the biology, brain scans, hormone levels that seem to be required?

What we were suggesting was a Doctorate in something like 'The History of Cinema' , "The History and Potency of Dance". Raul is doing his PhD from University of Birmingham I think because it is one of the like three places in the world that has a PhD program for 'Cinema and Community'.

What do you think?

UCLA? UC Berkeley? In Texas near your family, devotees. Doing a PhD in co-ordination with NIOS and Abhiseka Das?