Hare krishna

1 year, 9 months ago by julia@ct in Special Category A

Hare krishna!

Le ofrezco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada como está?

Gurumaharaja en la carta anterior usted me dijo que parece ser que estoy trabajando para recibir más y más misericordia de Su Divina Gracia y que vaya a la siguiente iniciación y si quiero ir por la siguiente iniciación, para una servidora era muy importante que usted me conociera porque yo sabía que usted vería dentro de mi corazón y no era necesario que pronunciará una sola palabra, recuerdo que en una de las primeras cartas que le escribí le dije que prabhu iksvaku me dijo que le preguntara cuando vendría a México y usted me contestó que talvez en otro cuerpo y siempre pensé que mi iniciación sería en línea y eso me hacía muy feliz, lo único importante es que usted me iniciará, pero luego en dos o tres ocasiones soñé que usted estaba en México en la comunidad de cueramaro y tenía contacto con usted ,pero luego Dijo que vendría a México. Gurumaharaja sentí tanta felicidad y desde ese momento empecé a prepararme para ir a verlo y le Oraba al señor Nrsmha que me ayudara para poder ir a verlo y por su misericordia sin causa fuera iniciada por usted, cuando tuvimos la junta un día anterior a la iniciación estando todos los aspirantes frente a usted, me dijo ya nos aviamos visto antes o es la primera vez yo le contesté es la primer vez pero en mi corazón la respuesta fue si nos emos visto en mis sueños , Estoy muy apenada por la pregunta que le voy a hacer pido de favor perdone mis ofensas, Gurumaharaja no recuerdo el significado de mi nombre Jaya -Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi , me lo puede desir por favor? Gurumaharaja cuándo termino de cantarle al señor Nrsmha, Oro para que lo proteja De todo lo visible e invisible, le de salud y fuerza para que siga con el movimiento del señor caitanya .

Su Aspirante A Sirvienta

Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi.


Translation (www.translate.google.com)

I will do Krishna!

ASA - Haw! Haw! Haw! The robot translates "HARE" as "I will do"

I offer my most humble and respectful obeisances, all glories to Srila prabhupada.

as you are?

HpS - We have some heart ache, chest pains, will go on but ready to forget everything but the Maha-mantra. Maybe we will leave this body answering your Blog post. That's nice. Couldn't hope for more.

Guru-maharaja in the previous letter you told me that it seems that I am working to receive more and more mercy from Your Divine Grace and to go to the next initiation and if I want to go for the next initiation, for me it was very important that you know me because I knew that you would see into my heart and it was not necessary for you to utter a single word, I remember that in one of the first letters I wrote you I told you that prabhu iksvaku told me to ask you when you would come to Mexico and you answered me that maybe in another body and I always thought that my initiation would be online and that made me very happy, the only important thing is that you will initiate me, but then on two or three occasions I dreamed that you were in Mexico in the community of cueramaro and had contact with you, but then he said he would come to Mexico. Gurumaharaja felt so much happiness and from that moment I started preparing to go to see him and I prayed to Lord Nrsmha to help me so that I can go to see him and by his causeless mercy it was initiated by you when we had the meeting one day before the initiation. with all the applicants in front of you, you told me we have met before or is it the first time I answered you it is the first time but in my heart the answer was if we have seen each other in my dreams, I am very sorry for the question you asked I am going to ask please forgive my offenses, Gurumaharaja I do not remember the meaning of my name Jaya -Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi, can you please tell me?

HpS - Revatinandana Swami asked Srila Prabhupada if he was conscious of everything that all of his disciples were doing. SP answered that he was not the Super-soul. When he need to know something about a disciple, Krsna would inform him, and usually externally.

Very interesting.

As far as we can understand, "Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi" would me "All victory, success, to the girl friends of Radha who are on the level of completely pure, unadulterated love".

Gurumaharaja when I finish singing to Lord Nrsmha, I pray that he protects your good self from everything visible and invisible, gives him health and strength to continue with the movement of Lord Caitanya.

HpS - The blessings and curses of a pious good lady are not something to be dismissed. Thank you!! You are very kind. Thank you.


His Aspiring Maid

Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi.

HpS - https://vedabase.io/es/library/cc/madhya/7/128/

This Letter Type is probably Personal Sadhana not Category A. Cat A is for stuff that should be noted, published in the Kapi Dhavja, like list of Kirtan Leaders for Mangala Arati.

All respects to you and your preaching to your. family and friends.