Yamuna ________ Delffs (urgent request)

1 year, 9 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Yamuna was born on Friday at 6:38am right after we sang all of the morning prayers.

Prabhupada was chanting japa on the speakers pretty much the entire time during labor. So much pain!!

Purification and motivation to not keep coming back to experience these miseries.

We deeply want to bring her back to GODHEAD. Her chart says that she was a Brahman in her previous life and that she will be very good for my spiritual life starting at age 5.

Maharaja, we would be very happy and honored if you could give her a middle name. Our new pujari here did a reading for her and says that these are the preferred beginning letters:


Ma (long a)



La (long a)






but we would be happy with any name you could give.

All glories to you and your service and we deeply appreciate your guidance and mercy. Thinking of you at least three times a day and keeping my vows to you as a badge of honor.

Please pray that we can be good house holders and that we can continue and increase our devotional services. For now Yamuna is our deity and devotee we have that great privilege of serving. Only by your mercy:)

Hare krishna, Om Tat Sat, hallelujah!

your aspiring servants,

-Nitisara das, Anadi Radha, Aja and Yamuna

ASA - Taraggita? https://www.learnsanskrit.cc/translate?search=Tarangi&dir=au