DTC 19(Fr)

1 year, 8 months ago by hps in DTC


(See picture of Dog attached)

One hour intense meeting with project director for the four movies, DTC - The Ultimate Trip. and then one hour meeting with Ambarish and Vrsabhanu Devi Das, directors of the third and therefor heart of the four movies.

Then walking, talking with NgD, Dr. Desai, full evening program with Radha Natabara.

One hour of eye straining, heart gaining, editing of SOLARIS/Cultural Portal, Dr. Samaresh.

Few Blog, St. Elmo Fires.

and now the Kapi Dhvaja.

🐵 🐒 🐒


/ / / 🐒 Ha! Ha! Hare. Just can't do it, and tomorrow is regular Saturday workshop and Sunday, Raul and Ambarisa meeting. Hmmmm.

I think we keeping a pretty good work load.


Good night.