Three months in perspective from a servant in Monterrey-México.

1 year, 9 months ago by guimo in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. With my deepest obeissances, to His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami and devotees.

March 2023 was the most merciful month for disciples and aspirants-to-disciples as we could serve Gurudeva in the best state of being aware that is Krishna Consciousness.

I felt really appointed all the time for I was embraced by the vaishnava community while serving here and there with small tasks.

The program in the Universities where neat, whith compact groups with high influence over the students and society. Recently I got a message from a teacher at UdeM that told me she and some collegues still chant Hare Krishna! I stand a servant of your servants: Govinda, Lalita, Anandamaya, Gadadhar and their sweet associates from NIOS, Institute for which I was invited officialy by Abhiram Prabhú to serve as academic in the field of Sociology of Eating.

Finca Nueva Goverdhan opened Her gates to guests for four weeks in El Retiro Trascendental ASA, and we where exctatic to live even a moment on Hare Krishna community programs, acompanied by the Big Nandita Bovine Mother and astonished by Agni Hotra as inaugural ceremony. Some videos where filmed, we are still working on the edits for a Documental.

Centro de Prédica Krishna Balaram in Huerto de los Leones (All Glories to Lord Nrisimha Deva orchard!) was also inaugurated in an extatic Festivity. Gadadhar, and other devotees like me are currently serving at Huerto de los Leones' Sunday Sankirtan at noon. A fluid place, few devotees but always attentive.

Currently trying to serve from my position, following HpS on Social Media and his Bhagavad-gītā seminar, the Principles and Sadhana and sharing with a variety of different devoted personalities in a challenging world full of realizations, full of mercy!

Thank you Maharaja and sweet devotees!

Sincerely: Your developing servant.

Bhakta Guillermo Sepúlveda.

HpS - Super. We still have your beads for 1st initiation. Have you been following standard for six months. Your secular name is Guiermo Sepulvida? We can exchange some chats on Whatsapp?