Jay Maharaj!

1 year, 9 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports


how r u? Here Im soing good, had some days being ill, and now Im gradually getting back to my regular Sadhana, well, regarding the falling of the jiva, I’ve read the verse you mentioned, and frankly speeking I’ve been hearing some of Bhaktisundar Maharaj’s classes and I got to know that he has another opinion on the subject, and I adhere to it.

You Maharaj have always been a great inspiration for me and you will always be, regardless of that topic.

Many times when I speak in English I remember you, I feel you inspire me to speak better :)

I’ve been through some struggle in my life, we are not seeing more each other with my ex conjugal partner, and I quit some bad habits which make me feel better, also have to be very strict with my diet in order to feel ok :) so that’s in part a thing I like because tapasya is the only way to get to know Krishna.

I’ve been following a local Ayurvedic doctor and now I’m seeking another one from India looking for some more advanced Ayurvedic treatment and knowledge as the one I was having some years ago. In spite of the doctor I’m learning new stuff about ayurveda, which may seem very basic for some people, like the importance of being well shaved, having a cold shower, sometimes I need to hear it from the right person and other times it works reading or informing me about the subject to desire it or to begin to practice it. I’ve always been really curious. Now Im reading the 3rd canto, the answers from Maitreya Muni, Im really enjoying it.

Also Im working a lot and trying to sabe some money for the future. I reduced my spendings to the minimum, just buying the best bhoga I can get to perform the simplest diet which keeps me in good health.

Thank you for let me perceive more my feelings.

Maharaj, how can I develop more tolerance? how can I be very careful with the medical diet and the sadhana?

hope you are well Maharaj!!

please accept again my obeisances!

your servant,


HpS - AgtSP!!!!! Text Three of Upadesamrta gives so much information about tolerance.

Hope you are having nice association with devotees.

Are you in Mexico?

My respects to Bh. Sundara Maharaja if you meet him!!

Hari Bolo.