Noticias desde New Vrindaban

1 year, 9 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido gurudeva por favor reciba mis reverencias. 

Ahora nos encontramos en New Vrindaban, Vidagdha, los niños y yo. Decidimos que uno de los objetivos familiares de mayor importancia, es darle a Mukunda y Muni más experiencias agradables con devotos y ampliar la perspectiva de su entorno y personas de quienes ellos aprenden.

Hay devotos tan increíblemente dulces, maduros espiritualmente y entregados a la misión de Srila Prabhupada de una manera excepcional. Talves sea raro y desalentador decir y pensar esto después de 20 años de conocer Conciencia de Krishna 🙈, pero pienso en lo corta, diminuta o casi nula de mi experiencia práctica en seguir con seriedad y entrega el proceso de bhakti. He analizado que la vida de un devoto soltero es muy fácil y feliz 🙈😅. Asi que, trato de entender la razón del porque estuve tantos años en un estira y afloja en mi vida espiritual. Por supuesto hay madres que pueden lograr más, pero mi experiencia fue así y ahora me acepto y motivo para hacer lo mejor que puedo. Es como si de repente puedo ver con un poco de claridad como es que avanzan tan rápido y de manera tan sencilla tantos devotos. En verdad, es como me dijiste, su corazón se ha vuelto tan suave, y sin presunciones han llegado a ser tan expertos en su área, tan dedicados en su servicio a guru y Krishna. Pienso también en ti y todo lo que has logrado. Es muy muy alentador ver que es muy posible cambiar tu vida y llegar a ser tan maduro y bien situado en tu varna.

Han sido años de trabajo de tantos devotos. Me siento como la rana en el pozo que no sabe cómo es el mar. Es tan inmenso el mar, pero la rana sigue pensando que su charco es lo más grande y agradable que existe, hasta que logra salir de ahí. 

Y aquí me encuentro en New Vrindaban, como una ranita despistada (talves más, como una osa🐻) descubriendo solo una pequeña parte del legado de Su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudeva, Vidagdha y yo estamos pensando en el bienestar de Mukunda y Muni, en todos los aspectos, y de toda la familia. Estamos analizando opciones para permanecer por más tiempo en EU. Nos gustaría que ellos pudieran continuar sus estudios aquí. En New Vrindaban casi no hay devotos tenns, así que, veremos como ellos van encontrando su lugar. Por lo pronto, Mukunda decidió aprender el cuidado de las vacas en el goshala y continúa con sus prácticas de guitarra y piano. Muni ayuda en momentos a su papá en el restaurante Govindas. Aún no encontramos actividades recreativas y sociales que ellos puedan realizar con chicos de su edad, pero esperamos pronto encontrar alternativas.

Recuerdo que en tu visita a México mencionaste que Mukunda y Muni podrían obtener una beca para estudiar en tu academia en Nashville, qué debía llevarlos a Nashville?

Mukunda y Muni continuarán por el momento estudios del idioma inglés y en un par de años ver las opciones de estudios universitarios. Pero dentro de nuestras prioridades, esta el dar seguimiento a tu proyecto en Nashville. También he revisado información del programa para jóvenes devotos, Krishna House, en Florida.

El tiempo pasa rápido y por supuesto dependemos de la misericordia de guru y Krishna, esperando hacer lo necesario de nuestra parte.

Estos días me a sido posible conectarme a tu programa matutino y tantas actividades espirituales aquí en New Vrindaban, Mangala Arati, Japa, clases, kirtana, puja, etc... 

Muchas muchas gracias Gurudeva, por todo tu esfuerzo. 

Tu sirviente Gopi Radha DD. 


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear gurudeva please accept my obeisances.

We are now in New Vrindaban, West Virginia, USA, Vidagdha, the children and me. We decided that one of the most important family goals is to give Mukunda and Muni more enjoyable experiences with devotees and broaden the perspective of their environment and people from whom they learn.

There are devotees who are so incredibly sweet, spiritually mature and exceptionally devoted to Srila Prabhupada's mission. It may be weird and discouraging to say and think this after 20 years of knowing Krishna Consciousness 🙈, but I think about how short, tiny or almost none of my practical experience in seriously following and surrendering the bhakti process. I have analyzed that the life of a single devotee is very easy and happy 🙈😅. So, I try to understand the reason why I was in a push and pull in my spiritual life for so many years. Of course there are mothers who can achieve more, but my experience was like this and now I accept myself and motivate myself to do the best I can. It's like I can suddenly see a little clearly how so many devotees move so quickly and so easily. Indeed, it is as you told me, their heart has become so soft, and without presumption they have become so expert in their field, so dedicated in their service to guru and Krishna. I also think of you and all that you have achieved. It is very very encouraging to see that it is quite possible to change your life and become so mature and well situated in your varna.

It has been years of work by so many devotees. I feel like the frog in the well that doesn't know what the sea is like. The sea is so immense, but the frog continues to think that its puddle is the biggest and most pleasant thing that exists, until it manages to get out of there.

And here I am in New Vrindaban, like a little clueless frog (maybe more like a bear🐻) discovering only a small part of the legacy of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudeva, Vidagdha and I are thinking of the welfare of Mukunda and Muni, in all respects, and of the whole family. We are analyzing options to stay longer in the US. We would like them to be able to continue their studies here. In New Vrindaban there are almost no Teen devotees, so we'll see how they find their place. For now, Mukunda decided to learn cow care at the goshala and continues his guitar and piano practice. Muni helps her father at times at Govindas restaurant. We have not yet found recreational and social activities that they can do with children their age, but we hope to find alternatives soon.

I remember that during your visit to Mexico you mentioned that Mukunda and Muni could get a scholarship to study at your academy in Nashville, what should I bring them to Nashville?

HpS - I don't remember anything specific. NIOS is only involved in development of publications and conferences. The university here, MTSU, might be an option when they are ready for university, but beyond that I think that devotees like Subra Devi Dasi would know more. They will be visiting us on next Saturday, Memorial Day Weekend. Call us then and you can talk with them. Send us your USA phone number in this Blog. We won't publish it but will use it to connect with you by telephone!

Mukunda and Muni will continue studying the English language for the moment and in a couple of years they will see the options for university studies. But within our priorities, is following up on your project in Nashville. I have also reviewed information from the program for young devotees, Krishna House, in Florida.

Time passes quickly and of course we depend on the mercy of guru and Krishna, hoping to do what is necessary on our part.

These days I have been able to connect to your morning program and so many spiritual activities here in New Vrindaban, Mangala Arati, Japa, classes, kirtana, puja, etc...

Thank you very much Gurudeva, for all your effort.

Your servant Gopi Radha DD.

HpS - Jaya. I think ISKCON is coming to maturity. The problems you found in your spiritual life in Mexico, I think you would have found the same in New Vrndavana a few years ago. Our whole society is blossoming with the flowers of the years of hard work of devotees like yourselves, and even ourselves under.



the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada.