Urgente-Priyasakhi Devi Dasi

1 year, 8 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Guru Maharaja, espero que se encuentre muy bien.

Disculpe por no escribir antes.

Seguimos dictando Bhakti Sastri (Néctar de la Devoción). Tenemos 17 estudiantes 😊

Vamos a dar otro curso para discípulos a fines del mes de mayo.

Seguimos ayudando con programas para los niños para los festivales grandes. Clase, actividad (decorar corona del Señor Nrsimha, Pinta caritas y Prasadam). Envío algunas fotografías.

Seguimos estudiando BVB. Vamos en el canto 3 capítulo 28.

Seguimos impartiendo clases del SB 6 días a la semana, organizado por el Comité de Educación (Yo reemplazo al orador (a) cuando no puede dar la clase).

Me doy cuenta que además de los cursos, dar clases de SB o BG es un servicio muy bueno, porque me conecta mucho más con la prédica. Entonces, a veces doy clases.

Tengo mucho servicio pendiente y no logro abarcar todo.

¿Si no hay prédica significa que no hay pureza? Me refiero a predicar a otras personas, que no tienen CK aún.

La madre de un compañero de curso de Indira, se hizo devota. Ella está sufriendo mucho en su vida matrimonial. Casada con un "demonio". CK la hace feliz. Está cantando japa y dejando el cigarrillo. Ya es vegetariana y está esforzándose mucho.

Bueno GM, no tengo mucho más que contar.

Muchas gracias 👏

Su sirviente

Priyasakhi DD


Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada!

Guru Maharaja, I hope you are well.

ASA - AGTSP paoho. Ha! Ha! Hare! This body does not get diseases, this body is a disease.

Our health is like your health. Right now fighting with fever, sore throat, choked respiration from allergy, etc, but happy that we can associate with devotees for Sankirtan.

Here or in Goloka, Sankirtan.

Sorry for not writing earlier.

We continue to dictate Bhakti Sastri (Nectar of Devotion). We have 17 students 😊

ASA - Super! What chapter? Where is report from Gandharava Das on Waves of Devotion translation.

We are going to give another course for disciples at the end of the month of May.

We continue to help with children's programs for the big festivals. Class, activity (decorating Lord Nrsimha's crown, Face painting and Prasadam). I send some photos.

ASA - 2 x Super.

We continue to study BVB. Let's go in song 3 chapter 28.

ASA - Sx3 - Devahuti!

We continue to teach SB classes 6 days a week, organized by the Education Committee (I replace the speaker when he can't give the class).

ASA - Sx4 - What part of SB.

I realize that in addition to the courses, giving SB or BG classes is a very good service, because it connects me much more with preaching. So sometimes I teach.

I have a lot of service pending and I can't cover everything.

HpS - Vaidhi bhakti means learning how to prioritize our service. Occupy others.

If there is no preaching, does it mean that there is no purity? I mean preaching to other people, who don't have CK yet.

HpS - Yes, the more pure we are, the more force we have, but we should also see what we are actually doine. We may not be Rupa Goswami, but we are working, trying to contact with innocent people. As long as we are chanting HK we are advancing!

The mother of a classmate of Indira's, became a devotee. She is suffering a lot in her married life. She married a "demon".

HpS - Everyone in the material world is a demon unless you are an Avatara or Paramahamsa, no? 😁 Some of us a married to big demons. Others to little demons. Of course, some of us are demons taking our medicine.

CK makes her happy. She is chanting japa and putting down the cigarette. She is already a vegetarian and is trying very hard.

HpS - It will influence here family!

Well GM, I don't have much more to tell.

Thank you very much 👏

your servant

Priyasakhi DD

HpS - Thank you. Such enlivening news for everyone. We we will look at other mail! Let's go together.