Report Month Madhusudana🌹🌸🌼🌻

1 year, 8 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your beautiful lotus feet adored Gurumaharaja.

ASA - En este verso, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī le aconseja al devoto ser lo suficiente inteligente como para distinguir entre el kaniṣṭha-adhikārī, el madhyama-adhikārī, y el uttama-adhikārī. El devoto también debe conocer su propia posición, y no debe tratar de imitar al devoto que está situado en un plano superior.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to You, my dear Gurudeva!

I hope you are in good health and happy in your wonderful Govinda consciousness.

I am always trying my best to achieve the beautiful consciousness of love for our Krishna❤ thank you Gurudev for guiding me to Him and his friends!!

I send you a comment about song 1 cap.4 verse 22

I felt very lucky to read this meaning and was surprised that even though I had read it several times, I don't remember understanding it. I really liked the attitude of the bull, which was the personality of the religion.

I did not know that identifying the author of the acts is as sinful as the one that he does sinful acts. I think understanding this helps a lot to not get angry or hold resentments with anyone. It helps us understand that in case of gain or loss both are Krishna's grace.

ASA - In English, Christian culture, it says, "Hate the sin not the sinner".

I also thought that this meaning could be a bit strong if someone has gone through very difficult situations... they will always get angry with the author... how could we help in those cases?

ASA - It is for Uttama adhikari. For Madhyama adhikari: "Se espera que el devoto que no es un neófito ni un mahā-bhāgavata (un devoto altamente avanzado), sino que ésta en la posición intermedia del servicio devocional, ame a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, haga amistad con los devotos, favorezca a los ignorantes y rechace a los envidiosos y a los demoníacos.", " Avoid the demoniac en the character of devotees and develop friendship in terms of their purification.

I also think that it is so important to ask krsna for protection in both cases be it gain or loss.

It is said that krsna gives us protection through intelligence... and since we all have different types of intelligence... some women should trust our intuition?... it is said that intuition and modesty are protection in women.

ASA - Castida y recatada! Comenzando en etapa de Dvija, podemos comenzar confiar en nuestra intuition, pero con confirmacion de Guru, Sadhu, Sastra.

And finally, now it is very fashionable, the constellations, healing of cakras, etc. Those things really help to connect with ourselves and our intuition?

ASA - maya tatam... Jaya.

I always believe that chanting the well-sung maha mantra will help us more than all this, but I ask if these things really help because I see many people doing these things.

ASA - As much as you can chant Maha-mantra, do that. It will dictate using other Mantras or systems of purification.


I feel very excited and inspired by his films Gurudev!

How can I help spread the word about him? We just bought the first one and we are going to see it!

I would like to be able to collaborate with you


Once they told me that my dance videos were very hippies🙂 .. I thought that the video Radha and the bee has many defects .. I put the dedication to you at the end (I had edited everything and I realized at the end .. and yes something was moving, the whole edition was going to move...)..and it's very long...we beg your feet to be able to know the defects of this video to better edit the next ones.

Many people comment that the festival that was held in the limestone "city where we live, was very beautiful, despite the fact that there were not many people (I sent photos to you) We hope to do another one... maybe in the nearby city where there are the slaughterhouse of cows. Sometimes I go to that city and see how the cows are taken in trucks... it is painful to know that they take them to kill them.

ASA - Yes, but they were killing cows and now they have become cows, no? Still try to help them!!!

I am sending you photos of the last festival we participated giving a dance workshop and presenting some choreographies.

It was in Villa Belgrano, a city about 4 hours from our home.

Please forgive any offense in this letter.

Thank you for your time respected Gurudeva.

Please accept obeisances from franco and gopal.

Your eternal servant aspirant:

Jpjr dd

HpS - ASA - Thank you. Hare Krsna~~ More Japa. Now. 2.37AM