Carta especial .No tan urgente.

1 year, 8 months ago by wilfredo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hace un tiempo atrás más de un año Ud. tuvo conocimiento y también le comenté mi servicio en el CPO aquí en el Perú le llaman CPT PERU. Siempre velando contra el abuso y negligencia con los niños de este Yatra. Para mi es una experiencia muy enriquecedora pero también llena de retos y muchas incomprensiones quizá algunas veces por tener que instruir constantemente a devotos que no tienen el mínimo de conocimiento legal y por otro por defender la verdad a toda costa, recuerdo que Ud. me dijo que apoye a los devotos y devotas y colabore con el conocimiento legal y es lo que vengo haciendo hasta ahora. Pero le juro que a veces me dan ganas de saltar del barco, pero recuerdo que Ud. me dijo que no lo haga. Lo que incomoda en esta labor es que se viene confundiendo problemas políticos de la administración con venganzas personales a través de algunas denuncias al CPT PERU que en realidad son inconsistentes y que se disipan como si fuese el humo después de analizarlas concienzudamente. Nunca pensé esta actitud de algunos devotos y que solo veía en el mundo karmatico abogadil y donde trabajo, situaciones de venganzas, ataques, denuncias y golpes bajos. Realmente Gurudeva estoy asombrados de esto. Los casos son reservados, pero puedo decir que a veces las denuncias que revisamos no tiene el mas mínimo sustento aparecen en una coyuntura de guerra. Es la razón por la que me atrevo a escribirle preguntando entre otras cosas ¿Frente a seudodenuncias debo hacer prevalecer la Verdad? ¿Que hacer frente al riesgo de actuar con autonomía y luego ser visto como parte de la administración? Sé que este servicio es conflictivo lo puedo hacer, pero existe incomprensión tanto de denunciantes como de denunciados es tan similar a la justicia ordinaria del hombre, ¿Que más debo hacer? CPT Perú no tiene poder coercitivo y quienes tienen que hacer cumplir las resoluciones son los Presidentes de Templo y a veces no lo hacen generando inefectividad en el proceso, que quita prestigio a ISKCON en el mundo. Esta carta la estoy haciendo publica porque considero que muchos devotos deben ser orientados e instruidos en menesteres que no conocen, pero como le dije mi Gurudeva ya uno viene cansándose de ver estas situaciones incorrectas e injustas y me refiero a mala conducta de devotos y devotas tanto en las denuncias como en el trato como padres de familia en general. Recuerdo que Ud. Me dijo permanece un año o dos y luego evalúa. En efecto esta situación quiere afectar mi vida espiritual pues es como recoger los desperdicios que dejan los bakty yoguis. Quizá estoy escribiendo muy duramente, pero es una realidad detrás de la cortina y de un escenario que muchos desconocen. Pido su perdón por mis ofensas y por escribir de este modo pero me agradaría su respuesta.

Su Sirviente



Some time ago, more than a year ago, you found out and I also told you about my service in the CPO here in Peru, they call it CPT PERU.

Always watching out against abuse and neglect with the children of this Yatra. For me it is a very enriching experience but also full of challenges and many misunderstandings, perhaps sometimes due to having to constantly instruct devotees who do not have the minimum of legal knowledge and on the other hand, for defending the truth at all costs, I remember that you told me that I support the devotees and collaborate with legal knowledge and that is what I have been doing up to now. But I swear to you, sometimes I feel like jumping off the boat, but I remember you told me not to. What makes this work uncomfortable is that political problems of the administration are being confused with personal vendettas through some complaints to the CPT PERU that are actually inconsistent and that dissipate like smoke after thorough analysis.

I never thought of this attitude of some devotees and that I only saw in the karmatic world of lawyers and where I work, situations of revenge, attacks, complaints and low blows.

Really Gurudeva I am amazed at this. The cases are reserved, but I can say that sometimes the complaints that we review do not have the slightest support appear in a situation of war. It is the reason why I dare to write to you asking, among other things, in the face of pseudo-denunciations, should I make the Truth prevail?

What to do against the risk of acting autonomously and then being seen as part of the administration?

I know that this service is conflictive, I can do it, but there is a lack of understanding of both the complainants and the accused, it is so similar to ordinary human justice, what else should I do?

CPT Peru does not have coercive power and those who have to enforce the resolutions are the Presidents of the Temple and sometimes they do not do so, generating ineffectiveness in the process, which detracts from ISKCON's prestige in the world.

I am making this letter public because I believe that many devotees should be oriented and instructed in tasks they do not know, but as my Gurudeva told you, one is already getting tired of seeing these incorrect and unfair situations and I am referring to the misconduct of both male and female devotees.

both in complaints and in treatment as parents in general.

I remember that you told me stay a year or two and then evaluate.

In fact, this situation wants to affect my spiritual life because it is like picking up the rubbish left by the bakty yogis.

Perhaps I am writing very harshly, but it is a reality behind the curtain and on a stage that many are unaware of. I ask your forgiveness for my offenses and for writing in this way, but I would appreciate your response.

Your Servant


HpS - AgtSP! Paoho. Thank you for your efforts to execute professional devotional service. Srila Prabhupada calls this "vrtti". He says that it is introduced in Chapter Three in BG.

Like you say, by acting according to our VAD nature in the service of Krsna, we can advance very nicely. This is what Krsna is recommending to Arjuna: Do your Ksatriya dharma for me. Of course, is telling him to do it also with deep love, not just dovetailing, but if we can only do it as Karma in Bhakti Yoga, not Prema in Bhakti yoga that is also great.

Karma-misra bhakti yoga will lead us to Jnana-misra-bhakti yoga. That will lead us to Dhyana-misra-bhakti-yoga. Then to pure Bhakti yoga.

This Blog publication is great.

Maybe it will circulate to help ISKCON progress as an institution.

Work along professional development lines for ISKCON, but the basis is not Karma Yoga for Kali-yuga but Bhakti-yoga. So..... how is your Bhakti yoga progressing? Do you know the verse, adau sraddha...? It is cited in BG 4.10 purport.

That is best summary of the stages of progress.

How is your institutional service, helping you develop friendship with devotees.

How is it developing your personal connection with Prabhupada?