Hare Krishna, maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP.
Thank you for sharing the link for the movie. We watched the movie, and we really appreciated all your efforts you have put into making this film. It is definitely a lot of hard work. Throughout the film, we got to see mangoes 🥭 that have ripened by your mercy.
I just had a suggestion that I would like to share with you. At some points in the film, it felt like certain individuals were playing a very important role and were being given more screen time than others.
I just feel like this whole Krishna movement is not one man show. It definitely takes a lot of group effort, and every devotee needs the association of other devotees. For example, it would be nice to see the pictures at the end of those people who have put so much effort into making this film happen. Or like how so many devotees are doing service together and inspiring each other.
I beg for forgiveness if I have done any offenses while expressing my thoughts.
Your servant,
Bhaktin Sitarani
AgtSP!!!!! He made the movie, no? Paoho. Thank you for this very nice comment. Very, very, nice. We felt exactly the same thing when we saw this and the first movie.
We did not edit the movie. We gave suggestions, but in the end Pablo Rivas Plata, Director of Photography, had to push the buttons and make the cuts.
Me, Raul, Abhirama et al made editorial comments, but Pablo had to do the job.
We feel that we were too prominent in the movie. It is about Tom Brown more than HpS, but it is better than the first one.
In Houston, we did full interviews with Subhra Devi Das and one of her Goswami Academy students, Guru-bhakti and Sarva-bhauma, Hari-lila and Nandulal. They are all great.
The same in true in Peru.
We have interviews with devotees who are now on committees with the United Nations.
I wanted so much more to be in the film. I pushed to get some interviews in there because they I felt they were representative, an example, of the general service that so many were doing, but so, so, so much more was possible, but really not practical. Personally, considering how much he has worked to understand ISKCON, us, Pablo made a fantastic collection of final cuts. Fantastic.
I commented to Abhirama that it seems there are six more full movies from the footage we shot during our six months in Peru.
He laughed and said that he, Raul and Pablo had decided that there were ten more Eg. Science and the Vedas, Management in the Church Sector, Hamlet and Arjuna...
The same in true in Houston, Richmond, Boise, but... we have the footage there. All in 4K. So more movies can be made.
You!! Should make movies about the Yatra. About your life. Stop and talk about all that has happened to you, like Sridhara and Radhika rama in the movie. I remember going out with you and M. Arrudha DD doing primary and middle school programs in the summer. You would talk to the kids and dance, no? It was so much fun!
Radhika was in the first movie in Peru.
His family shows up in the second movie.
He won't be in three or four.
Professor Bejar is in the first movie, not in the second, at the end of the third and very prominent in the third.
It will will allow people to have "traveling" companions as they go through the series.
Your idea of a collage of people at the end exciting to me.
I think Pablo tried to catch that with the Rathayatra festivals.
Bhakti Siddhanta made us Brahmanas.
Srila Prabhupada gave us the Vedas.
We have to make the movies, no?
P.S. What do you think of these: