Visiting you and a poem

1 year, 10 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for your response to my letter. I would love to visit you at your base camp and help with symposium, kids drama, movie etc. I am also very interested in channeling even a tiny tiny drop of the great Bhaktivinode Thakura through guitar music like you had mentioned. How can I do this? Only with your mercy.

With the devotee baby coming in late May or early June and many music and temple projects. I wouldn’t be able to come to Murfreesboro until July most likely. I will keep in touch with you to see when a good time for you would be of course. Please keep in mind that I can do sudra work if that is needed in any way.

We are very much looking forward to seeing the second movie you have made!

Your aspiring servant,

Nitisara das

P.S. here is a silly little poem I wanted to offer to you that was definitely inspired by you:

A Truly Positive Affirmation #1; ode to my lower lowly self

Make a space for Gods grace in your little life starting early in the morning. Let Him help you help Him. For He is both the benevolent king and the shepherd. He takes very good care of His servants as the best king would and He plays hard with His friends as any good farm boy should. So work hard in the darkness before the dawn. Walk in His sunlight embrace. Take shelter in that great fear of losing Him. That sweet smiling face. Losing track of Him, His divine reality and losing touch with the freedom you feel with Him. Chanting His names. This is the greatest tragedy but hope is always waiting for you in your bag of beads. Magic beads. Let Him help you help Him help you help Him. Take shelter in His friends. Serve Him by serving them. 

HpS - Pretty damn fine!! Thank you. When it goes to a song, it gets changed, no?

Do you have Gitavali or Saranagati by Bh. V. Thakura? I think they are on the interenet, like at ISKCON Desire Tree. Of course, we already have a few of his songs in our regular song books. I especially (!!!) like 'Udilo aruna'. Maybe the best song I know for introducing KC in the modern world.

It is in Bengali, so it is charming for new audiences to hear a little of the language.

It introduces Lord Caitanya.

It presents the basic fundamentals of our philosophy nicely.

In preaching we are look for innocent people and avoiding the demons.

What we present should be entertaining, but it is also going to have that aspect of being like an educational video, so people expect have to use some of their own patience and deterimation to get the message. The student has work. Can't expect singer, teacher to do all the work.


Thank you!

Ananta rupa Das sent nice message to us also.