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1 year, 10 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudev Cada día analizo como mejorar mi servicio en casa, con LAD, las personas, mi familia mis deidades.... etc si bien cada día hago mi sadhana con los años he aprendido a siempre superar la calidad de mis acciones y me siento muy con tenta con mis avances, sigo leyendo a las devotas de Chile y preocupada de resolver sus dudas a demás de contenerlas en lo que necesiten, recordándoles Ekadasi y saludandolas en las fiestas co. Una lectura especial a la festividad, seguimos con distribución de dulces una vez a las semana donde ta las personas están donando desde su corazón algo para krishna, leemos cada día, B gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, biografía de Srila Prabhupada, CC además de ser oyente de los cursos que hace LAD donde recuerdo y aprendo cada día algo nuevo. estoy en el curso de Pada Patma haciendo ensayos PowerPoint donde es muy bueno nuestro aprendizaje.

A mis padres les escribo a diario están muy bien, junto con mis hermanos y sobrinos el tener este contacto a diario hace qué nos los extrañe tanto, tengo muy buena relación con mi familia somos muy unidos es maravilloso tener esa hermosa relación con ellos..

Por último quería informarle que hace un mes tenemos nuevos integrantes en nuestro altar Jagannatha, Baladeva y Subhadra estoy muy con tenta y muy ocupada haciendo turbantes, pijama, joyas para todos, ropa de fiesta y así el ser pujari es increíble siempre hay que mejorar como lo dije al comenzar mi reporte pero con las instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada, las de usted gurudev además de de las bendiciones de ambos, mi esfuerzo krishna me dará la inteligencia para saber que hacer.

Se despide su sirviente Raman Reti Devi Dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurudev Every day I analyze how to improve my service at home, with LAD, the people, my family, my deities... etc. Although I do my sadhana every day, over the years I have learned to always surpass the quality of my actions and I feel Very happy with my progress,

I continue reading the devotees of Chile and concerned to resolve their doubts in addition to supporting them in whatever they need, reminding them of Ekadasi and greeting them at parties with. A special reading for the festivity, we continue with the distribution of sweets once a week where people are donating from their hearts something for krishna, we read every day, B gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, biography of Srila Prabhupada, CC in addition to being a listener of the courses that LAD does where I remember and learn something new every day. I am in the Pada Padma course doing PowerPoint essays where our learning is very good.

I write to my parents every day, they are very well, along with my brothers and nephews, having this contact every day makes us miss them so much, I have a very good relationship with my family, we are very close, it is wonderful to have that beautiful relationship with them.

Finally, I wanted to inform you that a month ago we have new members on our altar Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra I am very happy and very busy making turbans, pajamas, jewelry for everyone, party clothes and so being a pujari is incredible.

you always have to improve, as I said it at the beginning of my report, but with Srila Prabhupada's instructions, your gurudev's as well as the blessings of both of you, my krishna effort will give me the intelligence to know what to do.

Bid farewell to his servant Raman Reti Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you from all Blog readers for your nice report!! Thank you.... We have noticed more in the last year, months, that we are making progress every day. We try. We get shot full of arrows by The Evil One, but we go on doing what we can, and... by our little effort and the BIG pull from His Divine Grace. We make eternal progress.

We learn more materially.

We learn more about our Sadana!


We need little, little books with stories that we can pass out to people with Prasadam, no? Some kind of story that goes on. Comments on local events. Chosika Voice!

Some pictures of people in Chosika!

Ask the Mayor to organize a different church each Sunday sing songs in front of large Jesus statue.

Have 24-kirtan, spiritual songs playing at his feet. Someone feels bad he can go and sit there and get strength . (Also good for tourism!).

Very nice pictures!! We added a very old one of the Simha dvara entrance.