🌺🍃Jaya Gurudeva!! Hare Krishna!!🍃 🌺

1 year, 9 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Other

🌺🍃Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!🍃🌺

🌺🍃Toda Gloria a Sri Sri Nitay Gourasundar!!🍃🌺

Gracias por su respuesta a mi carta anterior y gracias por su apreciación sobre mi persona. Soy muy muy afortunada de haberlo conocido! Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien.

Hace unos días atrás estuve muy estresada y escuché una de las últimas charlas que dió usted en México junto a Bhaktisundar Goswami y para mi sorpresa comenzaba usted diciendo "Yo estoy sufriendo en este mundo, usted está sufriendo en este mundo, todos estamos sufriendo en este mundo! Este mundo está diseñado asi!! " y naturalmente comencé a reir a carcajadas y volví a recordar lo perfecta que es esta vida si uno se propone volver a Krishna, de todos modos no salía de mi asombro de semejante "coincidencia" y esta risa natural alejo de mi mente ese estress. Hare Krishna!! Fue un cariño a mi mente y a mi corazón escucharlo hablar de como usted conoció a los devotos y a Srila Prabhupada!! Gracias!!!

Si mal no recuerdo hace unas cartas atrás le comenté que iba a abstenerme de comentar asuntos personales por el blog así que buscaré la forma de enviarle un mensaje por privado para contarle sobre mi vida. Como dije anteriormente hay practicantes de bhakti yoga que usan la información para fines que no son devocionales y prefiero mantener cierta "privacidad". Realmente lamento mucho que esto tenga que ser así, pero me han recomendado que lo haga y comprendí que eso es bueno.

Lo que si puedo comentarle por este medio es que estamos sumamentr perplejos sobre el narcisismo que se refleja en la sociedad en general y dentro de la sociedad de devotos también, claro está, y esta negación de querer vivir en la Verdad. Es por eso que nos estamos protegiendo de la gente manipuladora y perversa que quieren desviar a la gente de la Verdad. Por supuesto no soy una devota pura y tengo anarthas en mi corazón pero no soy tonta, como mencioné antes nos estamos cuidando Gurudev, gracias a los profesionales de la salud mental que nos han revelado todo este aspecto de la sociedad humana y nos brindan muchísimas herramientas para mantener lejos de nuestra vida a cualquier persona con malas intenciones.

Es increíble todo el trabajo que usted está haciendo para Srila Prabhupada, usted es asombroso! Gracias. Estamos en contacto.

Acepte mis reverencias a sus santos pies, me postro a sus santos pies.

A su servicio, Jahnava Devi dasi. 🥰


PD: Intentamos subir una foto de Nitay Gourasundar para su placer pero el sistema es muy lento, situación extraña en estos días donde todo es rápido!!! Haha!! Hare!!


.. . . . . . . All Glory to Srila Prabhupada!!

🌺🍃All Glory to Sri Sri Nitay Gourasundar!!🍃🌺

Thank you for your response to my previous letter and thank you for your appreciation of me. I am very very lucky to have known him! I hope you are very well.

A few days ago I was very stressed and I listened to one of the last talks that you gave in Mexico together with Bhaktisundar Goswami and to my surprise you began by saying "I am suffering in this world, you are suffering in this world, we are all suffering in this world! This world is designed like this!! "and naturally I began to laugh out loud and I remembered again how perfect this life is if one intends to return to Krishna, anyway I did not get over my astonishment at such a "coincidence" and this natural laughter away from my mind that stress. Hare Krishna!! It was warm to my mind and heart to hear you talk about how you met the devotees and Srila Prabhupada!! Thank you!!!

If I remember correctly, a few letters ago I told him that I was going to refrain from commenting on personal matters on the Blog, so I will find a way to send him a private message to tell him about my life.

ASA - Jaya. Has to include un hombre in the dialog because we are Sannyasis 😄 and we are really incompetent to deal with individual particulars because we are so far away from people by distance etc.

At least in general discuss "personal" things here. Then we can try to deal with some details withing that perspective. O.K.?

As I said earlier there are bhakti yoga practitioners who use the information for non-devotional purposes and I prefer to maintain some "privacy". I am really sorry that this has to be this way, but I have been recommended to do it and I understood that that is a good thing.

What I can tell you by this means is that we are extremely perplexed about the narcissism that is reflected in society in general and within the society of devotees as well, of course, and this denial of wanting to live in the Truth. That is why we are protecting ourselves from manipulative and evil people who want to lead people away from the Truth. Of course I am not a pure devotee and I have anarthas in my heart but I am not stupid, as I mentioned before we are taking care of ourselves Gurudev, thanks to the mental health professionals who have revealed all this aspect of human society to us and provide us with many tools to keep anyone with bad intentions away from our lives.

It is amazing all the work you are doing for Srila Prabhupada, you are amazing! Thank you. We are in contact.

Please accept my obeisances at your holy feet, I prostrate myself at your holy feet.

At your service, Jahnava Devi dasi.

HpS - Jaya! We have to apply NOI 5 very well, no? When NOI came out and we read NOI 5 etc, it helped us so much in revealing our mind to different kinds of devotees.

We are safest when we see ourselves as servants of EVERYBODY. Aaaah! Of course, that is paramahamsa stage and NoI 5 tells us how to apply it at the Madhyama-adhikari stage.

Hoping for your wisdom as always.


PS: We tried to upload a picture of Nitay Gourasundar for your pleasure but the system is very slow, strange situation in these days where everything is fast!!! Haha!! I will do!!