Hare krsna gurudev

1 year, 11 months ago by Rituraj majumder 8165 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, gurudev


Please accept my pranams at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet, AGTSP! Paoho.

Since my last letter in January, my sadhana was good with 16rounds and 4regs till Gaura purnima.

HpS - Three months. Quarterly Report. That is nice.

Since Gaura purnima I am again struggling. There are ups and downs.

Yesterday on 1st April I was lamenting that I am bereft of your grace and at night in dreams you came and touched my head and my body became calm in my sleep. Thank you.

HpS - Hansadutta Swami told us that SP told him that the Spiritual Master does not do anything extraordinary usually. He chants Kirtan, answers letters, but ...through him... the Paramatma does many things. AgtSP.... Paoho...

On the note of association, I wanted to ask a question. The place I stay, we don't have an established Iskcon temple but there is established ISKM Ritwik temple with regular programs.

I am lonely here without any association.

Will it be a offence at your lotus feet if I go there for kirtans, prasad and programs?

HpS - If you can extract the poison from the nectar then do that. Even more potent is if you can go there to help them become free from misconceptions.

Praying that your blessings never leave this useless soul.

Hare krsna Srila Gurudev

Rturaj Krsna Das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Nehabikramo naso sti, pratyavayo no viddhya te, svapam api asya dharmasya, trayate maho bhayat. Find this verse and purport. Tell us what you think. It is after, around BG2.35

Hari bolo.

You are an importan soldier in this effort.

You need to become Guru for a thousand people.

Go ahead.