Letter Recommendations to First and Second Initiation from ISKCON Chile

1 year, 11 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

The blog is our home for a lot of us. Some of us have been travelling a lot in the last months, far from home, but still, we use our consciousness to find our safe place, which is here.

Now, I'm coming back with my new service as Temple President of Santiago Mandir and the Head of ISKCON Chile.

I have sent to you (attached by other means that allow it) the official recommendation letters for the second initiation to Sripati das, and to the first initiation to Diana Sanchez and Estafania Colella.

We take more time to send this letter because we are just arriving at this service, and we have created now a committee dedicated exclusively to checking every one of the applications to initiation. Actually, the letters are signed also by one of the representatives of that group, Manjuali devi dasi.

Please, keep me as one of your apprentices.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

HpS - Thank you! We got the hard copies from Asta sakhi Devi Dasi and it was an excellent ceremony. I think Krsna is telling us, "No more Hari-nama Diksa". Time to retire as Diksa guru. We wrote about it in the current Kapi Dhvaja. Talk with you soon.