hare krsna Guru Dev,
Please accept my obeisances,
i thank you again-again for accepting me in any way.
i dont know what you in in our this earthly existence. We are not writing to hear our glories, but trying to understand how can we help you in any small way.
We have huge baggage of interaction with many temple presidents. We always avoided the issue to avoid offence 1.
our biggest baggage is against temple president of Mira Road. We met him , just after getting married in 2010 july. He being a senior brahamchari, directed us to lady preacher to be in contact with us. We were facing issues balancing our expectation in marital, professional and daily sadhana.
There was constant recommendation by the lady, about having coapulation and having a child. We were internally completely convinced that we (me , my wife, my in-laws, and my parents) dont have parenting skills, assistance to upbring a child esp with expectation of SB 5.5.18 (gurur na sa syāt sva-jano na sa syāt) .
Still we got some how inspired or moved by " yasya prasadad bhagvat prasado" and constant reminder in BG about having a son to leave your wife with , we begot a child.
So we are blessed to have such a child. Infact the best things happens to us is 1. Getting Srila Prabhupada books, 2. Serving you and 3. Serving/playing with Parikhshith.
and as things stand today -- we have a child of 11 years old. According to our VARANASI temple president in 2020, such a child that he has not seen in whole preaching field of Parayag and Varanasi.
we dont know what Karma he has, but he was very sponatenous in devotional service, we get constantly think about interaction with he participating in angas of bhakti.
However we always get this question - that why begot him, and had large part in giving him a broken home.
we just can not obey any temple president directly, until we are able to get answer
that -- how can my association to you (temple president) help me in applying SB 5.5.18 for this 11 year old boy, as this boy is their because of a temple president and whats written in BG
Though we implemented the decision of begeting child , but decision was inspired by a temple president's advice
we have been neglecting this, by chanting again and again, we finally got inspiration to ask you, so that we can confirm it.
HpS/ASA - Seems quite correct to us. Even if you are just part of the congregation of a Temple, it seems that the Temple President should be concerned that you, the parents, have Temple help in raising their children, removing their bad habits preventing good parenting etc.
One letter from Srila Prabhupada he says that as Grhastha your first duty is to Gurukula and second to Temple.
Hari bolo!