NMD - Houston Calendar

1 year, 11 months ago by hps in Calendar Development


3/Mo - Arrive IAH at 9.45AM

5/We - Rasa-purnima

7/Fr - CCC (Caitanya Cinema Circle), release DTC-UT USA!

8/Sa - Ecstatic Home-program in Katy (North Houston) at home of Devendra Krsna Das and esteemed family.

9/Su - Sunday Festival

11/Tu - Hobby to Richmond on SWA.

  1. We will meet with a director of the Jungian Center to look for collaboration in this Jung and Bhakti-siddhanta work.
  2. Probably give Morning Classes.
  3. A nice Guru-tattva conversation with Radha-krsna Das, Sarva-bhauma Das et al.