Manuel's report 02-2023

1 year, 10 months ago by manuel in Special Category A



ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !! And his dedicated disciples, like you, who carry his message of Krishna consciousness to all parts of this world.


By the mercy of Sri Nityananda, we are with ARTd, since March 10, in Monterrey-Mexico. Then, from the 24th, we will be in Mexico City for a few more days. We hope to be useful to the devotees and contribute to the academic sankirtana of NIOS.

Here is our report:

1.     The DTC-UT/USA edition is over, the final version of the film is already on VIMEO. Now we are focused on the details for the Avant Premier, in April, in Houston.

2.     DTC-UT/Peru is also being subtitled in Spanish, we hope to have it ready as an offering for the appearance of Sri Ramanuja-acarya on March 25.

3.     SOLARIS 7 has already entered its final stage, only the edition of the Cultural Portal is missing, this time it is dedicated to Dr Samaresh Bandyopadhyay and its content is based on the tribute paid to him in Calcutta-India, in September 2022.

HpS - ASA - The editing of this Asiatic Award Ceremony Article has been great, great, stress for all of us and is still not done. Thanks to everyone involved.

4.     We have participated with ARTd in the academic programs that were carried out at the TEC de Monterrey, on the 15th and the Universidad de Monterrey-UDEM, on the 16th. These programs turned out quite well, especially due to the contacts that are beginning to be cultivated.

Also Dr. Valencia is connecting ARTd with important people from the government, all these seeds are growing by the inspiration of HpS and show the potential that there is in Mexico for the development of the academic sankirtana of NIOS.

That's all for now, thank you very much for everything, HARIBOL!!

Bh. Manuel