Jay Maharaj :)

1 year, 11 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please Accept my Humbe Obeisances!

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru And Gauranga!

HK. Maharaj! how are you??

HpS - AgtSP!! What you mean "you"? Ha! Ha! Ha! You mean my body? It has chest ache and eyes failing etc. My mind? Not bad. Other times during the day it has feelings of terror, but the Mantra and BG intelligence keeps us calm and progressive. You mean us as spirit souls? We are in Maya and trying to get out of the sticky syrup!

well I've been chanting the 16 rounds for one month and a half.

May I ask you a question, could you please tell me why the primary relationship Krishna has with Balaram is of brothership? and why not perhaps Balaram is his uncle or cousin?

HpS - Because They are both sons of Vasudeva, no? Balarama mother is Rohini and Krsna's Mother is Devaki. O.K.?? 😐

well thank you very much for everything!



HpS - Thank you!!

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