Introduction of a servant.

2 years ago by guimo in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Radhe Krishna.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and all his beloved disciples.

Most honorable Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

I have being watching your wonderfull lectures and hearing about your glories, pastimes and devotional service at NIOS.

Please allow me to introduce myself, this is Guillermo (Guimo), servant of your servants: Govinda, Lalita, Anandamaya, Gadadhar and their sweet associates from the Bhakti Yoga community in Monterrey, México. I am currently helping them with university programs accordingly with your instructions.

All my life, I have being hankering and wandering for “Something Else”, trying my best, but sometimes behaving like a crazy monkey.

I feel embraced in religious environments, from a to z. But I am vastly and profoundley moved by the movement for the Krishna Conciousness since late 2020.

I started counting on Tulsi beads two years ago, and this year I am finally steadily doing sixteen rounds, daily.

I am reading Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam regularly. After many months of the most wonderful soul journey trough time and space, I am currently reading tenth Canto...

On the academic fields, I have studied Western Literature at UdeM, and earned the Summa Cum Laude award; also post graduate studies on Sociology of Eating, and some courses on Plant Based Nutrition.

I like fruits, ants, the so called master plants, and have recurring dreams with all kinds of tortoises.

Enthusiasm bewilders me day by day as I feel blessed to have Monterrey and Montemorelos devotees association in El Retiro Trascendental ASA. This is the ultimate refugee for the soul!

I would like to continue serving.

Thank you Maharaja!

Sincerely: Your developing servant.

Guillermo Sepúlveda.

HpS - AgtSP! Of course, we have been in contact physically here the least few days in New Govardhana.

We talked about your good self with Adhoksaja Das and others, and on his comments, Gadadhara's and Guru-prasada Swami's approval we are looking forward to your initiation on Sunday.

Hari Bolo!

Hari Bolo!

We were very enlivened by your symposium on spiritual diet. It confirmed some of our experiences and gave us some new understanding.

We always tended toward eating big bowls of fruit, Prasadam, but felt tht maybe that was greedy, but now we see it is natural.

Hope you can keep regular Japa and get a study partner for regular study of Srila Prabhupada's books.