
2 years ago by estefania in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Krishna Gurudeva todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, acepte por favor mis humildes reverencias., espero que su salud este bien, en mi caso estoy muy entusiasmada por el viaje a méxico. Le quería contar he podido participar de diferentes servicios en el templo de chile. En el festival de Nityananda Trayodasi pude estar en la recepción de los invitados entregando prasadam dulce para entregar a los asistentes. También pude hacer unas decoraciones y estoy trabajando en más decoraciones para el Festival de Gaura Purmina. Además continuo con mi servicio los días sábados por la mañana en la cocina de la deidad y adoración asistiendo a la madre Gurú Govinda. Desde la última vez que le escribí mis rondas van mucho mejor cantando las 16 y como usted dijo logrando eso todo funciona mucho mejor. Quería preguntarle si hay alguna lectura que le gustaría que realizara.

Le compartos fotos de nuestro querido servicio .



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Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, all glories be to Srila Prabhupada, please accept my humble obeisances. I hope his health is fine, in my case I am very excited about the trip to Mexico. I wanted to tell you that I have been able to participate in different services in the Chile temple. At the Nityananda Trayodasi festival I was able to be at the reception of the guests handing out sweet prasadam to deliver to the attendees. I was also able to make some decorations and I am working on more decorations for the Gaura Purmina Festival. In addition, I continue with my service on Saturday mornings in the kitchen of the deity and worship assisting mother Guru Govinda.

Since the last time I wrote to you, my rounds are going much better, singing all 16, and as you said, once you achieve that, everything works much better. I wanted to ask if there's any reading you'd like me to do.

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP!!! I would say that it seems to us that it is more important with whom you read than what you read.

If you get teacher, study partner, students and read with them, discuss, it is very nice.

Then automatically you will begin to see which of Srila Prabhupada's books you should read.

Of course, Upadesamrta and Krsna book are always our Gurus.

Following and commenting on daily Yatra SB classes is also very primary!!

I share photos of our beloved service.

Haribollll ! ! !

HpS - Thank you! Hare Krsna!!!!!! Thank you!