a drop in the ocean

1 year, 11 months ago by chas d lind in Hot Topics

Please accept my sincere obeisance’s, All glories to the Vaishnavas!

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna! We noticed this Post but hacve not been able to get to it until now.

You know how busy things can be in Houston.

You can see from th DTC post here that we made it to Mexico.

Still alive!


Kindly allow this humble offering to appease the lack of humble offerings; the goals of periodically written supplications have been blatantly restrained by this over-active brain, regardless of the pain, here we go… a noteworthy showing for the vastly growing “Monkey Warrior’s.”


Oops, a month’s gone by, and am only in the second paragraph. Please excuse my offenses... so much for a timely presentation, best to make up for it with some self-realization!


Now, what to write for making up for what I didn’t write, while writing to make it right? Reflecting on the magnitude and attitude of the participants in the Monkey Warrior blog, I best do something to complement the caliber of my Godbrothers and Sisters. Shouldn’t meander in mannerism,

Levity doesn't need excess longevity, causes a wandering storyline... smash the mind. We may learn education & entertainment are not always cheered, though they should be if they’re clear.


In our journey with you, Maharaja, in Bharata Varsa, some questions came to me, in the rightful pace of Govardhana parikrama, those inquiries were spaced. Now attempting to reflect and respect the queries, though, for the life of me, my mind is not dreary, just satisfied with your good association. Of course, a puzzling brain will not submit to sincerity, instead, we have whimsical wanderings. Still, my points are splayed in this epist-fool play.


Need to reach for spontaneous proclivities, one of the most invigorating practices of devotional service, yet it may be the most frustratational on the material platform. We have expectations, desire for specific results that interrupt the spontaneity swing, mysterious thing... this impromptu fling.

The minuscule percentage of personal control we have of this world is better when we know the remaining 8.3 billion in command of this “planet of demand”, our best intentions are consumed with time. That marvelous 8.3 billion is complete with the Divine, this is an inspirational source for the sublime, let’s cross that invisible line that borders eternal time.

ASA - Oink! Oink! Whoop! Whoop!

🐷 🐷 🦧🦧

It is 8.3-million (species of life) not billion, no?


Vani & Vapu (Distant & Close), the crux of intimate relations, is based on reverse gestation. Our ongoing journey to self-realization is one of vibration, a trip of negations and embracing correlations, part of the “Acintya Bheda-Bheda Tattva” Spiritual sensation.

As aspiring Vaisnavas and based on the degrees of surrender, the art of spontaneity is rendered, though only if the protocol is naturally tendered. In essence: faithful japa, 4 principles, calm perseverance and desires of yukta-vairagya can surmise pure, spontaneous devotional service, not some speculative appearance.


Concluding this minute excerpt of self-realization, the only usurpation may be is in thinking we’re creating the narration, not keeping our Gurus as the guiding entity for this ecstatic proclivity. Take the reins to your mind with the Soul divine and intelligence will not be maligned. This is the beginning reflection of Bhava and its connections. The next levels are even more purifying and satisfying, though one needs to relish it, not embellish it.


Thank you all for your valuable time, and hope my bent mind didn’t combine improper guidelines, we do not want to malign any devotees’ personal confines. The stirrings of “rasa-bhasa” are not our place, respect people’s space, and then we may share the transcendental grace beyond blood and race. 


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS-ASA -- 🙂 🦧 🐷 🤖

Jaya, Hare Krsna.

To our perception, your poetry it getting better and better.

We could follow all of the dance, except for the "Million or Billion" reseach glance.

I think translating to Spanish would require Mother Sarasvati herself.

I think that Full Morning Service, then we can be pretty sure our spontaneous service is propery.

We are Brahmanas and can trust our insights.

Planning on keeping some notes for you all while we are here and then sending by Post Man when back in Houston.

Maybe??? we can even meet in Nashville.

Otherwise, just Saci x Lord Caitanya meetings while He was in Puri!!