practical service

Hare Krsna master,

Please accept my obeisances.

In the movement we hear about practical devotional service.

Can you kindly elaborate on the word "practical", because somehow I just like hearing (Children Krsna book), and preach to people who meet me by own accord.

Is this practical or convenience ?



ASA - 🐷 What is practical for Vyasadeva is not practical for Arjuna.

Therefore, The God, KRSNA, recommends Arjuna to engage in his natural Karma, both physical and psychological.

Ksatriya has natural inclination to protect damsels in distress (eg. Draupadi raped in the game of dice).

NI to smash his fists!

So, do it for Krsna.

P'pada said, Krsna never suggests anything impractical.

So, first He suggests, "Chant Hari nama". That is practical for the Kali yuga, and anyone who recomends making Hari kirtan secondary is a:

Ding Dong!!

Of course, there is advice for DDs in Guru Maharaja's books.

Cook, clean, broom, while you listen to Donnie Yen on Zoom.

Remind us to Hari kirtan make.