personal life and second intiation-2

Hare Krsna master,

your grace wrote --"


Marriage, family, civil, institutional relations are important but Hari Kirtan is the basis of those in Kali yuga."

can you kindly elaborate on word "basis " ? we can fathom this ..

  1. "hari kirtan" means what here, I think our conception is flawed

our conception of Krsna consciousness changed in your association..

earlier I used to think Krishna means only the deity. But after talking with you, we realised even if somebody is able to appreciate sunshine, we are trying to increase his Krishna consciousness.

so what does "hari kirtan" means in progression ?

3. In general I would say that you should try to have pleasant, civilized contact with your family --

the word "pleasant" is very struggling for self.....

4. "Take the Bhakti sastri course with some one! Ask Temple President for recommended source."

I am not against your recommendation, but just to control our strong/stubborn mind by feeble intelligence, we might need little more help

we are finding solace in krsna book narration for children [the fifth regulative principle] somehow we are telling ourself, we are fool or at best intellectual fools[coder],

so hence on Hari nama and Direct Krsna past times.

We were consciously avoiding classes like Isopanishad, Bhagvad gita, SB, primarily because we are not able to apply all this, seems to us at this moment impractical, especially

when we don't know what is that we should "eat" or what should we do in "work", in day to day life.

secondly, we have always overlooked "sadachar" and over emphasized on "sadhana", then "svadhya", not find us to be useful for "most of sangas" and hence not able to do "seva" to any specific. {5s model of GEV}

This was highlighted by our temple president also on 26 feb 2023, and it hurt us the most when words [ not verbatim ] " is this what you have been taught by your Guru". i knew it was my fault only , and your appreciation.

but we are just trying to find to serve and be worthy of called your disciple in anyway


hayagriva avatar das

linked to --

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna, Hayagriva Avatara Das.

Krishna speaks through the mouth of a horse for some reason. We can't remember why?

Also, he incarnates as H'g'va twice, no?

Your questions cover a large range of topics.

We have come to: Harer nama anukirtanam.

If you don't know what to do, you are not chanting "Hare Krsna".

First regulative principle is to chant HK/HR loud enough to hear it.

Then, if you are not inspired to do anything else, even after a few mantras, then their is nothing else you should be doing, eating, teaching.

May be that any moment Krsna wants us to leave this world, and get to work in another, so we just chant and "die".


If family does not want to share your world nor wants you to share theirs, then subject is finished, yet we are always open if they change their mind, mound, mend, mund, mand.

=-=-=-= === Srnvatam sva katha Krsna... SB 1.2 If we chant we become 'punyatma' pious people. Then high class activities eg. Detiy worship, fire sacrifice, meditation (con tem pla tion) are accessible to us one after another.


So nice to chant.

No better service you can offer Krsna.

At the feet of Prabhupada.


"Swami Ji, are there problems in your temples"

P'pada - "This is the material world. There are problems EVERYWHERE!"