personal life and second intiation

Hare Krsna, master, representative of Parampara in service of The Master.

We have been avoiding it, but our marriage I think needs to be sorted out. We are sorry for approaching you for this, till now we are not able to create a senate of 6 devotees hence don't know what to do.

our marriage is hanging till now, and we don't know what is proper direction for us,

should we leave them and go to temple, or should make them priority to get them back.

won't write much, but your thoughts will be very important for us

hayagriva avatar das

HpS - In general I would say that you should try to have pleasant, civilized contact with your family. If they are willing to do that, then the topic of religion etc should also be something you can discuss in simple, civilized fashion.

That should go a long way to adjusting this aspect of your life, no?

Marriage, family, civil, institutional relations are important but Hari Kirtan is the basis of those in Kali yuga.

Fixed in 16/4 then you will become a Vaisnava dvija, and then these social relations will become more clear.

Take the Bhakti sastri course with some one! Ask Temple President for recommended source.
