dtc-ut [spain]

1 year, 12 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Haré krsna 




About WhatsApp you can récord, maybe Parasurama can help you. These are some topics.

-You can tell your experience in Spain and the story of your arrival in that country or Europe.

-something about cervantes. Shakespeare

-something about sharing your culture in university or bridges in this preaching, sharing.

- we need the mantra about ramayana . Who will récord it sugopi or you?

HpS/ASA - We are now five days from departure. Has been very productive visit. Four weeks here means four days to pack up all the projects, personal relationships, luggage.

Parasurama Das recorded the program at Complutense yesterday.

We may record some more with him.

Please put things on the private YouTube channel as you make progress so we can make suggestions.
