Desde Mar del Plata

Hare Krishna querido Guru Maharaja!!.

Reverencias a Sus Pies de Loto!!

HpS/ASA - Pies de loco.

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!

Se que Usted esta en España, supongo que por la hora de Argentina aqui 17:00 ya estuvo con el Prabhu Yayanta en la Universidad (lo lei en el Kapi duja, que era hoy), espero haya sido de Su agrado el Programa.

HpS - Como 85% damas, entonce era una programa con buen profundidad cultural.

Subhadra May Devi Dasi con baile Odissi super, Kirtan super.

Pienso nuestra perspective tambien util!

Personalmente bien batallando, pero con algunas conquistas y conociendo nuestros desafios mejor.

Retome la lectura del SB estoy en el capitulo 17 del canto 11 , falta poco para terminarlo y eso me ha entusiasmado, lo leo del veda base con traductor, me canse del libro fisico en portugués.

HpS - Solo o con associados?

Estamos asistiendo en el Servicio de Pujari, una gran bendición

Estoy leyendo pero no tan constante el Pancaratra Pradipa (manual de adoracion)

Y estoy haciendo arreglos de Pintura y otras cosas en el Salon donde recibimos a Los Invitados de los Festivales del Señor.

La Lujuria me ha atacado de a momentos, controlar el cuerpo es mas facil que la mente, pero por alguna misericordia el Señor me trae un monton de slokas y reflexiones en esas batallas.

Seguimos firmes intentando purificar el corazon y acercarnos mas a Sri Sri Radha y Krishna.

Gracias por Todo!!

Hoy ejecutamos ekadasi sin agua hacia mucho tiempo que lo necesitaba, y no podia, mucha mente

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das.

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja!!.

Obeisances to his Lotus Feet!!.

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada!!

I know that you are in Spain, I suppose that by Argentina time here at 5:00 p.m. you were already with Prabhu Yayanta at the University (I read it in the Kapi duja, which was today), I hope you liked the Program.

Personally well battling, but with some conquests and knowing our challenges better.

I went back to reading the SB, I am in chapter 17 of song 11, there is little left to finish it and that has excited me, I read it from the Veda base with a translator, I got tired of the physical book in Portuguese.

We are assisting in the Pujari Service, a great blessing

I am reading but not so constantly the Pancaratra Pradipa (worship manual)

And I am doing painting arrangements and other things in the Hall where we receive the Guests of the Festivals of the Lord.

Lust has attacked me at times, controlling the body is easier than the mind, but for some mercy the Lord brings me a lot of slokas and reflections in those battles.

We remain firm trying to purify the heart and get closer to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.

Thanks for everything!!

Today we performed ekadasi without water, I had needed it for a long time, and I couldn't, a lot of mind.

At Your Service Adi Yajna Das

HpS - Are you on the rural project with Nikunja? Any news of Pancha tattva Das?

If you continue with Sadhana bhakti, Raga anu ga will come.

Then your Sankirtan will be very powerful.

Hope to talk with you from Mexico.