RE: Letter from HG Nityananda Prabhu

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

HpS - AgttSP. Paoho... Second intitiation is for Brahmanas, Ksatriyas and higher class Vaisyas. You got the Ksatriya spirit to some degree, no?

Yes, Guru Maharaj. About 14 years ago in Boise I asked you, What is my nature? You laughed then replied "You're a baseball coach." I have taken this advise and it is helped me immensely over the years to direct me in my service. So yes, Ksatriya spirit to some degree with some Brahmana to some degree? Like Grandfather Bhisma? Of course we have our sudra qualities unlike Grandfather Bhisma and never would compare ourself to this Great Mahajana. We work with what we have to do some service.

Your good wife taking initiations?

Actually she asked H.H. Gopal Krishna Maharaja about 7 months ago when he visited the US if she could take 2nd initiation. He said in 6-8 months if she kept up here Sadhana he would give her 2nd. She has done that, however Gopal Krishna Maharaja at the moment his health isn't so well so they are holding off on initiations. Maybe in April he will be ready..


We can only hope they take up the path of Bhakti Yoga and become Sankirtan man and woman. Please bless them Gurudeva.

Baptized as Mormons!!! ?

Maybe last life?

Trying to fix program in Houston. Arrive 22nd about 9pm after 20-hours of travel in economy plus.

so not going out and doing light work until home program Saturday. Sunday Feast lecture.

Asking Saranga about 2nd for Devendra and Sumitra, but no answer. After that just the week days and we go to Mexico on Satruday.

One month in Mexico and back to Houston for some time.

People think that it might be best to do the initiations then. April.

What do you think?

I think that we should do whatever is auspicious as soon as we can and push those things that are inauspicious off for another time. It seems to me it would be inauspicious to do something that the devotees are not prepared for or would cause some disturbance. So April sounds wonderful Gurudeva. I thank you so very much and looking forward to next week!

Your disciple,

Nanda-braja das

PS: Nityananda Prabhu was speaking such nice words about you today. About how unique but wonderful your relationship between each other is.


HpS - Thank you. Hope Mataji gets second inititiation. We here that Divya-sri Devi is having some very problematic problems with her health, so we pray for here and aske everyone to also pray. Our prayer was that she understand what Krsna wants from her in the present circumstances.

Today our last outside program, very esteemed university, and then start packing for trip to Houston!