replying to work and preaching

1 year, 11 months ago by Namacarya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja,


You wrote: What kind of work are you doing?

I am still working as a teaching assistant in elementary school helping a blind boy. Moreover, still working with our rental of apartments.

HpS - Did not know about blind fellow. Just one student? What do you do for him?

Able to preach in the environment?

I chant HK (before/after job) and then smile at people, and if they ask why I am so calm and serene, I reply according to circumstances.

HpS - Smile, comportment, Kirtan. Three Sankirtan tools Srila Prabhupada says we have and should use, no?

Can you introduce pantheism in your professional work eg. taste of water, light of the sun?


Your servant Namacarya Das