keepin the hope

12 years, 10 months ago by AKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupad and all glory to the followers of him, involved on this sankirtan movement!

Pleace acept my respectfull obeisances

Dear Guru Dev. Till this time I'm trying to Chand better Hare KRishna rounds, the instructions in Japa juan are so good as the milk. Even in these days when many devotees are trayn to chand, and it's is a help priceless.

We stayed in Goura Purnima with devotees of Aguascaliente,  there are many challenges. and  we hold the program of Congregation's service in Guadalajara. thanks a lot, Simply AKD.

HpS - ASA ---   Oooof!      What does AKD stand for.   We don't remember. Akincana krsna Das????           Chanting.  Chanting!   CHANTING!       The Holy Names will sell the books.      The Holy Names will give potent looks!     Just fill your Heart with the Holy Names!!!!