Ambo: DTC-Spain Movie

1 year, 11 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Special Category A

Hare Krsna




We are the tower in the woods in Huerta Grande, Cordoba, Argentina.

We have obtained a good internet to work better and have more opportunities to serve in Sankirtan.

During this time we have been seeing all the material and edited 80% of the recorded material for the movie.

We will be able to finish the film during this time of your stay in Spain.

We need to make color and sound corrections, also adjust and see with you if the work done seems correct to you.

One thing is that in Spain a more descriptive story has been generated from the narrative from the actions and not so much from the reports of the interviews. I mean that it would naturally be a little different from the different stages (Peru and USA) that have already been recorded. and edited. We think it would be good to watch this film (in progress) to see if it's the right direction we're headed in.

thank you

happy to serve you in sankirtan Ambarisa Maharaja Das

HpS - AgtSP. You sent this almost two weeks ago and we are just able to read, comment and post it now!

That shows how much our Sankirtan is edited by our material attachment and the inherent contaminated nature of the material world.

Therefore we offer our obeidances to you as our example of sincere devotion in difficult circumstances.

Of course, you posted your edited work on private YouTube Channel and we watched it, made notes, and then sent a suggestion for a general script.

Then we talked, edited the general script and noted specific items that needed to be done for the next edit.

Anyone who wants to join the process can answer this Post and we will add them.

Also, if you think of any recording that needs to be done while we are here, then request it now. We are finishing our visit here.

Mostly we are in the mood of Hanuman returning from Lanks, giving report on the sea shore (NVM), ravaging Sugriva's fruit garden (Houston), making report to Rama (Mexico),

Respects Vrsnabhanu n. D. D., Hari vamsi et al.

Estamos en La torre del bosque en Huerta Grande Cordoba Argentina.

Hemos Obtenido una buena internet para trabajar mejor y tener mas oportunidades de servicio.

 la torre en el bosque

Durante este tiempo hemos esta viendo todo el material y editado un 80 % del material grabado para la película.

Podremos terminar la pelicula en este tiempo de su estadia en españa. 

Necesitamos hacer correcciones de color y sonido, tambien ajustar y ver con usted si el trabajo realizado le parece correcto. lo cierto es que en España se ha generado un relato mas descriptivo desde lo narrativo desde las acciones y no tanto desde los relatos de las entrevistas quiero decir que seria naturalmente un poco distinta a las diferentes etapas ( Peru y EEUU) que ya han sido grabadas y editadas. Creemos que seria bueno que viera este film en construccion para ver si es la direccion correcta en la cual nos dirijimos. 

muchas gracias 

feliz de servirlo in sankirtan Ambarisa Maharaja Das