hare krishna Gurudev

1 year, 11 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Gurudev dandavat pranam

all glories to Srila Prabhupada...¡

Me gustaria escribirle en español entendiendo q ahora esta ud. en España, el año pasado nos mantuvimos haciendo mucho seva en diferentes sangas como diferentes lugares ayudando a

todos en la cocina, en la predica, en el canto y siendo alguna fuente de inspiración para ellos. distribuimos mucho prasadam (panes) a los amigos vecinos y familiares haciendo un pequeño

negocio para mantener nuestra adoracion diaria a nuestras Nitay sacidulal y silas, ademas claro manteniendo nuestro ashram de grihasta alado de nuestra esposa Radharani Gopi y de Soren

Prahlada (ya tiene 3 años y mejor de salud).

En este nuevo año estamos asumiendo nuevos desafíos tomando la oportunidad de expandir nuestro sankirtan..volveremos en Febrero a la India (por 1 mes)para continuar nuestro seva de hacer dramas

bajo la dirección de ss Bhakti Marga Swami, luego a nuestro regreso nos quedaremos en Europa buscaremos una estabilidad ahi y trataremos de buscar una casa para q luego mi familia me acompañe el prox año. Es importante muy necesario hacer estos esfuerzos en este momento de nuestra

vida porq la situación caótica del mi país lo amerita, porq mi hijo pronto empezara los estudios y porq tengo deseos intensos de q mi familia tenga mejores experiencias y asociación alado de devotos.

Se muy bien q el mundo material es lo mismo en todos lados con sus desafíos y necesidades, pero siempre me caracterice por ser una persona emprendedora q busca algo mas y para alguien mas...por eso fue tambien q me volvi hare krishna jaja anyway...estamos bajo el refugio de Srila Prabhupada y tomamos las bendiciones de nuestros maestros, familiares y amigos para esta nueva etapa.

nos mantendremos comunicados.

muchas gracias por sus bendiciones y buena asociación

con esperanzas nuevas su sirviente

Parama Karuna das


hare krishna gurudev dandavat pranam

all glories to Srila Prabhupada...!

I would like to write to you in Spanish understanding that you are now. in Spain, last year we kept doing a lot of seva in different sangas like different places helping

everyone in the kitchen, preaching, singing and being a source of inspiration for them. we distribute a lot of prasadam (breads) to neighboring friends and relatives making a small

business to maintain our daily worship of our Nitay sacidulal and silas, also of course maintaining our grihasta ashram alongside our wife Radharani Gopi and Soren

Prahlada (already 3 years old and in better health).

In this new year we are taking on new challenges taking the opportunity to expand our sankirtan..we will return to India in February (for 1 month) to continue our seva of drama making

under the direction of ss Bhakti Marga Swami, then upon our return we will stay in Europe, we will look for stability there and we will try to find a house so that my family can accompany me next year. It is very important to make these efforts at this time of our

life because the chaotic situation in my country deserves it, because my son will soon start his studies and because I have intense desires for my family to have better experiences and association with devotees.

I know very well that the material world is the same everywhere with its challenges and needs, but I always characterized myself as an enterprising person looking for something more and for someone else... that's why I also became a Hare Krishna haha anyway ...we are under the shelter of Srila Prabhupada and we take the blessings of our teachers, family and friends for this new stage.

we will keep in touch.

thank you very much for your blessings and good association

with new hopes his servant

parama karuna das

HpS - Jaya!!! Thank you for writing to us. Your life is an inspiration. New Vraja Mandala, here, is a nice community. Maybe you know it. Has Gurukula with many little people, et al.

Starting, joining a rural community where you can visit the city to work from tuesday after noon to friday morning, sounds like a nice option. family staying in nice place, papa going to city to work few days and other days working locally and online.

If city temporarily chaotic, stay in the rural community. have 3-months of self sufficient resources.

city won't stay chaotic because people need it now.

Good plan??

Hare Krsna, half way house.

Start with orchards!

Respects to family. See you on internet from Mexico.