Jiva Goswami Literature

1 year, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Master,

Please accept my mechanical and reverential obeisances.

We were reading TPP, it says "perfect goswami may not be perfect devotee".

it means "being goswami" is necessary but not sufficient condition to"perfect devotee".

We think we are still on (approaching ) level of NOI Verse 1. However we need to see a good drama, so we saw our life (thats mundane), we saw others life(thats also boring), so we were thinking of reading Lalita Madhava (LM).

Do your esteemed self and Supreme Absolute Undifferentiated ASA Commando, think it is okay for this horse to see this (LM) drama ?

attempting to briddled

Hayagriva Avatar Das

HpS... you, agtsp, will read it in Sanskrit?

Otherwise gotta read a translation.

Difficult to translate. So many subtle aspects. I think it is okay for you to try to read it.

Give us a review!

Yes, after senses controlled the prema of the soul can arouse.

Have to take off your raincoat before shower touches you skin.