Hare Krishna Guru-Maharāj,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
I refer to your response to 'JHD News'.
1.) Yes, I will obtain a letter of recommendation from my Temple President.
2.) Full programme attended on average 6 days per week and evening programme about 5 days per week.
3.) No, I still am not enrolled in the bhakti shastri course but have learnt 33 of the 45 ślokas featured in the course.
Recently I also received the dubious 'promotion' of temple commander, so I am meeting with the temple president, Śrīman Govinda-Dev (who knows you from Peru when he was a young boy [son of Sucitra Devi]), six days a week.
Everything is going here very well. Please advise how I can find you on Twitter.
Your servant,
HpS - AGTSP!! paoho. our short term memory is going.... also our eyes, ears and belly button.
some one else should become diksa guru, we say with a smile.
your report is great.
temple commander = put vaisnava relations before management relations.
Yeah, get the Bh. Sastri diploma. Can you do it in an entertaining and practical way?