Hare Krishna querido gurú maharaja, todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada, perdoneme por no tener una constante comunicación, soy muy mala con la tecnología. Estoy luchando para seguir sus instrucciones y apoyando en la predica de Arequipa, para este año 2023 tenemos buenos proyectos y si Krishna nos permite esperamos darle muy pronto buenos resultados. Quería darle a conocer, que por la necesidad de tener un mejor local para nuestra predica nos vimos en la necesidad de abrir un proceso judicial para liberar el lakshmi que estaba retenido, la resolución del Poder Judicial salió a nuestro favor, fueron transferidos el 15/12/2022 35,490 dólares a la cuenta de la Asociación Cultural Bhaktivedanta constituida en Arequipa solo con fines administrativos. En ese sentido le pedimos sus Bendiciones para poder conseguir con este lakshmi un nuevo templo para difundir conciencia de Krishna fieles a los lineamientos de ISKCON. A la fecha tenemos buenos programas en Arequipa y cada vez estamos tratando de mejorar. Orando siempre a Sri Nrisimha para que lo proteja y lo mantenga con buena salud. Hare krishna.
Hare Krishna dear guru maharaja, all glories to Srila prabhupada, forgive me for not having constant communication, I am very bad with technology. I am fighting to follow his instructions and supporting the preaching of Arequipa, for this year 2023 we have good projects and if Krishna allows us we hope to give him good results very soon. I wanted to let you know that, due to the need to have a better location for our preaching, we found ourselves in need of opening a judicial process to release the lakshmi that was withheld, the resolution of the Judiciary came out in our favor, they were transferred on 15/ 12/2022 $35,490 to the account of the Bhaktivedanta Cultural Association established in Arequipa for administrative purposes only. In that sense, we ask for your Blessings to be able to get with this lakshmi a new temple to spread Krishna consciousness faithful to the ISKCON guidelines. To date we have good programs in Arequipa and each time we are trying to improve. Always praying to Sri Nrisimha to protect him and keep him in good health. hare krishna.
HpS/ASA - So nice to hear from you!!
- Who are you? Why do you want a Temple?
- Who are we? Who else has a clear idea why they want a Temple, and with whom you can work!
- What is the plan? Based on 1 and 2 and their continuous development.
- What do we need? So the last thing in order of plans is the money, buildings, paraphernalia.
I think you will have very exciting answers to the first three questions!