LAD: New Years Resolutions!

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudev. Pamho, AGTSP!

I think 2022 was a good year, but next year has to be better.

Srila Prabhupada, somewhere in the Bhagavatam, talks about the progressive devotee. The idea that there is always room for improvement encourages me a lot.

1.-First resolution: My sister, after several years involved in politics, was able to join a winner. She will have some influence in the Chosica mayor's office. Therefore, next year, I have to strive to achieve some preaching program with the municipality. You always gave me suggestions and I hope I can apply them.

2.- Second resolution: You and other people, my older brother, P. Omkara who has just graduated in psychology, have made me think about taking up my thesis and everything I need to get my degree. I immediately contacted some old college mates and found out that I just have only the year 2023 to complete my work before everything expires. So beg, borrow or steal, I'll do my best to fill in what's missing.

I will focus on those two points. My sadhana and my teacher service are going quite well. Tomorrow I will talk with P. Karuna Krishna, my authority, to see how I can help in that area. Due to the fact that for now I cannot work as an official teacher of Bhakti Vaibhava due to numerous administrative obstacles, I am going to propose teaching Pada Padma following the guidelines of ASA. I will, of course, continue with the Bhakti sastri and the course of disciples, etc.

Blessings on me, dear gurudev, to be able to achieve these goals which could greatly help Srila Prabhupada's dear ISKCON.

Thanks a lot,

your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

(I hope my annual report and Raman reti devi dasi have reached you)

HpS-ASA - Yes, we responded to the Reports. You got them?

The social development of Sankirtan is the leading edge, no?

Yet, also seeing progress in your internal development?

Ie. adau sraddha.

Thank you.

We're just getting started.

We have centuries more work to do!

ISKCON Chosica hurray!
