Northeast Tour Development

2 years, 1 month ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

We WhatsApped Sri Haridasa Swami:

Reviewed the picture of the PDF and your narrative of the travel plans for Northeast. Seems will be very useful when we head out from Imphal.


Yet, for now, can you just send me very simple text message of where we will wake up each day.

Also, the days we go by flying.

Finally, it again seems we can do the best preaching if we have 'Nectar of Instructions' to distribute and explain in Manipuri' and song sheet with songs in Bengalí and Sanskrit that regular folk can read and sing with us.

Then we might enthuse them to use the songs in their potent Sankirtan.

I would suggest:

1. Udilo Aruna puraba bhage...

2. O he vaisnava thakura...

3. Gauranga bolite habe...

Any songs you suggest? 

We could carry some and print more as we go.

They could be photocopies suitable as Commemorative.

What does the Nama Acharya Das Das think?